Edited on Fri Jan-30-04 07:08 AM by ProfessorPlum
Last night on NPR I heard a brief piece saying "Rebuplicans were attacking Kerry as weak on defense". This attack was never explained, nor who the Republicans were who were bringing it up. They did play a portion of Kerry's response, though:
(my paraphrase from memory) "I voted for some of the largest defense budgets in this country's history. I voted for nearly every weapons system that has come up. The problem is, some of these folks have never met a weapons system they didn't like."
Let me preface this by admitting that maybe NPR edited his response to only capture the weakest part of it, but if not, then I have to ask WTF WAS THAT?
"I voted for some of the largest defense budgets in this country's history"??????
THAT is playing defense. THAT is letting the GOP frame the debate - with the implication that the only way to be strong on defense is by feeding the military-industrial complex huge sums of taxpayer money.
WHY couldn't Kerry have said something like this:
"If by weak on defense, you mean I won't start illegal wars against the consensus of the international community, then I am weak on defense. If by weak on defense, you mean I won't tear up international treaties left and right, and treat our most valuable allies with contempt, then I am weak on defense. If by weak on defense you mean I won't funnel billions of dollars to Halliburton in no-bid contracts for phony-baloney wars that do nothing to make this country safer, then I am weak on defense.
If, however, by "weak on defense" you mean I will not make the citizens of this country and the world safer from aggresion from others, by strengthening our alliances and intelligence services, then I declare myself to be orders of magniture stronger on defense then the laughable team currently running this country's defenses into the ground."
All I heard about for months on this board from Kerry supporters was how he was going to "take it to Bush". How he had a "fire in his belly", and what a great campaigner he is.
Yet in this response, all I can see is him playing defense, DEFENSE, to the f*cking Republicans, who all have only as much interest in the safety of this country in so far as it can enrich them personally. Here is a guy who took bullets in service to this country, and all he can do is whine that he has given the military-industrial complex all that it has asked for? Who's kidding who here?
NOW is the time for Kerry to stop being polite and start playing offense. THIS response is exactly what I feared when Kerry, of all people, won the first two states. I cannot bear to watch him play defense against this, the worst administration ever, for 10 more months. If he is going to lead this party, he's got to wake up and play offense against these criminals - as his supporters keep assuring us he is "waiting" to do. The time for waiting is over. The time for leading is now - he's got to start speaking the truth.