Many people here have expressed concern about Kerry being the Party's nominee in the Fall...
Also, I believe that many of the supporters of the Clark, Dean, Edwards and Kucinich candidacies support their candidate (at least for one reason out of many) because they have run on anti-Washington Establishment-anti-status quo Democrats. While Kerry represents business as usual.
We are splitting that vote four ways and allowing the worse possible choice (for many people) to walk to the nomination...
So perhaps a little strategic voting is necessary! In most of the polls, it is clear that there is a candidate who is more competitive to Kerry than any of the other three. Rather than let the vote be split, switch your vote to one of the other four candidates who has a chance of beating Kerry...if Kerry comes out of mini-Tuesday with no wins, and in fact gets stomped by one of the other four, his momentum will be gone...
Of course this is nothing more than an exercise in logic, as people here do not represent even a fraction of the people who will be voting Tuesday....
I see no Clinton emerging Tuesday, simply because there are too many horses in the race...instead, what will happen is that we will have alot of three place finishers all having the same thing in common, and that is that Kerry will be in all of them.....
Tuesday is the firewall....if no candidate wins four or more of seven states, then Kerry will be unstoppable for the nomination.