My last post on DU was on Dec. 18th, after a great many months of backing Kerry through thick and thin. Obviously, things were very, VERY different when I dropped out.
I see tons of new names and Kerry people coming from out of the woodwork. I couldn't be happier. I welcome them and I hope they welcome me.
I am also very happy to see alot of the old names still hanging in there fighting the good fight.
There's also, apparently, something of a Kerry backlash going on, but that is to be expected. The race is far from over, and I encourage people to stand by their candidates even in their darker hours. At the same time, I truly hope that people really do live by the ABB creed we have sworn by for so long. It is fine to have strong preferences, but let's try to keep in mind the phrase "four more years." Creepy thought, huh?
Let me put it this way (and it won't be the last time I say it): If you have a hard time being pro-Kerry (or whomever), then don't hesitate for a moment to be anti-Bush.
As the Emperor (or was it Dick Cheney?) is fond of saying: "Let your hatred flow." Do not underestimate the power of the dark side.
If you find it difficult to promote a candidate, then focus your energies on tearing down that ignorant clown in the Oval Office.
But I do hope that people can truly rally behind the nominee when push comes to shove. I wouldn't have stood by Kerry this long if I didn't think he was a thoroughly capable and decent man, and I truly embrace anyone - and I mean
anyone - that is willing to put him forward.
Dean is fond of saying "YOU have the power." That part is true. This is about more than electing a Democratic President. It is about learning to pool our liberal energies together, getting over our differences, and giving the GOP the hell it deserves. We don't have to agree on everything to agree that Bush and Cheney need a nice long vacation. And then we appoint a few Supreme Court Justices, and throw in a Democratic Congress to boot!!!
As Curtis Mayfield is fond of saying: "Keep on Pushing!"