"Dean’s audience was no bunch of radicals and slouches. The Pacific Council on International Policy, co-chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher and attended by a glittering array of academics, businessmen, religious leaders, and elected officials with more than a passing knowledge of the subject-matter at hand, gave him a warm reception. Not only did they appreciate his remarks about Saddam but also his plea that America rebuild the international consensus and regain its moral authority as a global example to be respected and emulated, not feared and loathed.
One eminent attendee who had not endorsed Dean’s candidacy professed to be “dazzled” by his command of the issues during the question-and-answer session, particularly when he gave a complex five-part answer on U.S. relations with China. Others noted that Dean’s is a profoundly centrist vision on foreign and security policy, not some left-wing screed; it could only appear radical if you took the Bush policy of unilateralism and unprovoked, pre-emptive war as the new norm. "