from his collegues to make some weak points about John Kerry's record.
Voters can see for themselves at which bills he sponsored and co-sponsored.
As for effectiveness I fail to see why a Democrat blame other Democrats for republican fillibusters and obstinance. The point is that John was there to stand against the worst instincts of the republicans. He has a long record of achievement no matter if the egos involved wanted center stage and won't acknowlege his contribution. With Ted Kennedy as Senior Senator he would always take a back seat in legislative battles, but he was there and stood up when it counted.
Here's a senator who will vouch for his effectiveness:
Dianne Feinstein Endorsement“John Kerry has shown courage throughout his lifetime – taking on the tough issues, making the hard decisions, telling the truth, and making a difference. Now he is ready to take the fight to George Bush and put our country back on the right track,” said Feinstein. “John Kerry will roll back the Bush tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans so we can invest in education, health care, and the skills of our workers. And he wants to give the middle class a tax cut, not a tax increase.”
Feinstein also said Kerry’s support for banning assault weapons was another reason for her support.
“The Assault Weapon ban will expire next year. We need a President who will actively urge Congress to extend it,” said Feinstein. “And John Kerry will do just that. It is the kind of leadership and courage we need in a President.”
I know he has the strength, experience, leadership, and judgment to be an excellent President.
Because I have worked with him and know him so well, I know that he has the courage to do what’s right for America. And he will fight for legislation to get America back on the right track. He is fighting to provide affordable health care, roll back tax cuts for the wealthy while creating jobs and invest in education.
Now he is ready to take the fight to George Bush and put our country back on the right track. John has stood up to special interests, fighting against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, protecting a woman’s right to choose, and leading the way on national security issues.
He rejects George Bush’s vision of a government that comforts the comfortable at the expense of ordinary Americans, that lets corporations do as they please, that turns its back on the very alliances we helped create and the very principles that have made our nation a model to the world.
He has provided a specific plan to get the American economy moving forward and to create the nearly 3 million jobs lost under President Bush. John Kerry will roll back the Bush tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans so we can invest in education, health care, and the skills of our workers. And he wants to give the middle class a tax cut, not a tax increase. Under George Bush, too many middle class people are getting pummeled everywhere they turn – more bills to pay, a higher cost of living.
Let me talk about one issue that has always been very important to me – gun control. In John Kerry’s announcement speech he had the courage to say what too many politicians are afraid to acknowledge: He said,
“... courage means standing up for gun safety, not retreating from the issue out of political fear or trying to have it both ways. I’m a hunter and I believe in the Second Amendment but I’ve never gone hunting with an AK-47. Our party will never be the choice of the NRA -- and I’m not looking to be the candidate of the NRA.”
In short, John Kerry has the right stuff. He will be an excellent President of the United States
And another endorsement:
Robert F. Kennedy Endorses John Kerry for President John Kerry’s environmental agenda “bold and visionary,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorsed John Kerry for President today in New York City. Kerry also announced his call for an investigation on whether environmental health was compromised by White House interference into air quality issues following the September 11th tragedy.
“ I am proud to endorse one of America’s great environmental leaders, John Kerry for President of the United States,” said Robert F Kennedy, Jr. “And I hope that every American who cares about the environment will unite behind John Kerry. He is the candidate with the best environmental record. He is the candidate with the best ability to beat George Bush. And he will be a President who will give us the environmental leadership we so clearly need.”
South Carolina:
Senator Hollings Endorses John Kerry for President
Endorsement Provides Major Boost to Kerry South Carolina Campaign South Carolina, Senator Hollings said, “I’ve been elected seven times to the Senate by South Carolinians and I owe it to them to tell them what I think. I believe John Kerry has the experience, judgment, and character to lead this nation. In fact, I tried to get John Kerry to run four years ago. You can’t agree one hundred percent with anybody but I know John Kerry is the right man.”
“John Kerry’s record of fighting for working families, his commitment to fiscal discipline, his plan to restore manufacturing jobs, and his commitment to expand healthcare and make it more affordable, are some of the reasons I’m standing here today to announce I will stand by John Kerry,” continued Hollings. “John
Kerry is a former prosecutor and he led the charge in the Senate to put one hundred thousand cops on the beat, establishing our first line of defense for homeland security. Kerry has a strong military background and he understands how to keep America safe and strong. As a former lieutenant, I’m heading Lieutenants for Kerry. John Kerry has been a veteran’s veteran in the Senate and he will be a veteran’s veteran in the White House.”