Senators... want to have "conversations" with everyone and come to a happy world of consensus and agreement. Everyone knows that is not what this time needs. How come Kerry doesn't?A political party is not supposed to function like a social club. A political party is either an opposition party or a coalition party. A political party either opposes the government and its policies, or finds itself by deed or by inaction in coalition with that government.
How come the Democrats as a party don't get it? Well, why would they get it? The Democratic party establishment is in agreement with Bush on his policies goals. The dispute that establishment candidates such as John Kerry have with Bush is one of tactics. Kerry is not against Bush for what Bush does, Kerry is against Bush because he disagrees with the way Bush does things!
This disagreement on tactics explains why Democratic candidates such as Kerry, Edwards, and Lieberman do not want an outright repeal of PATRIOT Act, preferring instead to make enough cosmetic changes to PATRIOT to provide them with a fig leaf they can use in defending themselves against civil libertarians.
If the DLC succeeds in securing the 2004 nomination for one of its candidates, it is an almost certainty that this will lead to defeat in November!
The question then would be whether progressives should continue to throw good money after bad by continue to support a political party that is in the death-grip of the same corporate forces that control the GOP.
The Greens are not the answer either as the following article illustrates:
The Greens play a reactionary political role, opposing the development of a socialist movement based on the working class in favor of the formation of a third capitalist party. As the record of the Green Party in Germany has demonstrated, once the Greens begin to achieve influence in bourgeois politics they quickly discard their initial radicalism. The former pacifists in the German Greens paved the way for the first overseas deployment of German troops since World War II. In California, Green candidate Peter Camejo backed the right-wing-inspired recall campaign and ended up tacitly supporting a vote for the main Democratic candidate, Cruz Bustamante.
In the 2004 campaign, these left-talking politicians will once again seek to put off the critical question of establishing the political independence of the working class from both big business parties. They will seek to divert the mass opposition to Bush behind whichever candidate emerges from the Democratic nomination contest. They all subscribe to the position of “anyone but Bush,” as though Bush were the only weapon of American capitalism, rather than one of many instruments of the ruling elite. real opposition party would be demanding the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, and the prosecution of Rumsfeld, Powell, and Rice for their roles in a campaign of WMD disinformation. General Tommy Franks should be prosecuted as a war criminal for launching a war of aggression against a sovereign nation. That's what a real opposition party would do, instead of this:
Democrats cover up for Bush lies on Iraq WMD
By Patrick Martin
31 January 2004
Powell blurted out the mechanism of the US tactics in provoking war with Iraq. The Bush administration demanded that Iraq “prove the negative”, i.e., the absence of weapons, precisely because it was inherently impossible. Every attempt by the Iraqi regime to comply with demands from the US and the United Nations became the starting point for new efforts to declare Saddam Hussein in violation of yet another UN resolution.
The Washington Post, like Kay an all-out supporter of the war, wrote of his revelations: “In an extraordinary five days since resigning as head of the Iraq Survey Group (ISG), Kay has provided interviews and testimony that have returned the Iraq weapons issue to the center of the national debate.” But in South Carolina, the Democrats generally evaded the issue.