Hey gang,
The initial strategy was to win Iowa, and then New Hampshire, which usually brings more money and momentum, but the media killed both of those, by playing up things that were relatively insignificant, shades of Gore's sigh (so significant whether a president sighs, or how he dresses) and earth-tone looks. The campaign had a shakeup, and they hired some guy named Neal, which is of course being overplayed tremendously as a negative again in the media (Washington insider, etc.). Joe Trippi was encouraged to stay on, perhaps in managing the Internet role, but he declined felling he didn't want to accept a subservient role. Apparently they have about 4 million or so, by best estimates, though I've not heard exactly how much.
I can feel the despair in some of your emails, and with the media's portrayal of things, I can understand. Remember why you entered the campaign, and the feeling you got from Dean in the first place. Has that changed? Most of you still say you love Governor Dean, and his straight-talking, honest style. I've always preferred that myself, rather than people who just tell me what I want to hear. Some things to remember, and be encouraged about.
„h Since Dean opted out of campaign restrictions, by our vote, other candidates will run short of money way before the primaries are done. This is a big advantage. „h Only 2 of 50 primaries have transpired, and they were very small states, with few delegates. „h Even so, Dean is still ahead in the race with the delegate count thus-far. You'll notice the media hasn't pointed that out, preferring to portray Kerry as a 2-0 winner, and pronounce Dean DOA, and encourage him to leave the race. Hey, didn't we destroy you already Dean? Get lost!! Get a clue media, Dean is ahead. „h I've said this all along, and they reinforced the though yesterday, we are his main weapon. The media BS isn't just trying to steer Democratic votes away from Dean, to Washington insider Kerry, who's been receiving corporate contributions for decades now, but it is trying to break your spirit, and make us quit on Dean. They know we do have the power, and just like they pounded Dean, they are beating on us, hoping we'll start doubting, and whining, and going to other candidates. Right now, we are so in this race, and we need to be strong, and instead of whining, write letters, and use every resource we can to keep Dean in the race. We can be like steel and weather the storm, or have our spines snapped like twigs with the weight of their rhetoric, following their script and giving up on Dean. Don't be led around by the nose by a media that only has corporate interests at heart. „h Clinton lost ten primaries before he went on to win, and lost both Iowa and New Hampshire.
The general strategy: While we haven't given up on the states in February 3rd, and we'll probably win some delegates, the general strategy now is to shoot for the four states following, Wisconsin, Maine, Michigan, and Washington, all delegate-rich states. This wasn't the original strategy, changing it was necessary, as the results coming out of the two early states were different than expected. We are writing to Virginia, and Wisconsin this meet up, on February 4th and we've switched to 5.5" by 8.5" post cards. Be concise if you prepare a letter to bring, so you can squeeze it on the card. Mainly, remember our new strategy. While I expect we'll get a few delegates in the February 3rd contests, don't be discouraged and not show up if we don't win any of them. Remember our strategy, to go for the four large states listed above, later in February, where Dean is already more popular. Plenty of things can happen, Kerry is getting a lot of heat for his Vietnam War years, about throwing away his medals (some say he threw away someone else's medals, he says it was his ribbons) , and about not really putting too much legislation forward in his years in the Senate. Truth is, Kerry, Dean, Clark, Edwards, even Lieberman could still win. So many things can change the outcome, when and where folks drop out, and where their votes go, different people winning primaries, thus splitting the delegates, and a potential gaffe by any one of them. Do what you can. Instead of griping, write letters, write a letter to the editor of newspapers, post on blogs and message boards, pass out literature, register people to vote. I've been doing my part, and while I realize some might not have the time, money, or inclination, I couldn't really afford to buy 115 stamps, but I did. He lives or dies by our hand, and griping and whining won't get anyone elected, no one said it was going to be easy. But if you must, and just feel like venting, go ahead, it's been tough emotionally. Remember it's a long race, there are front-runners, pacers, and closers, Dean is hanging in there pacing the race now, and he's still in the thick of things. Work hard, and remember what you got into this thing for, for me, it was a feeling.
One note about me: In case you've not figured this out, I'm likely one of the most liberal ones in this group, and rather than shunning it, I realize it is a great thing, and wear the label proudly. So if my opinions rankle you at times, that is likely why. I didn't really want to lead this thing, but I'm doing my best for a guy I believe might be our best and only chance to stop the erosion of our democracy. If someone calls me a liberal, I don't shrink away, I say "Thank you!" So realize that others in the group aren't quite as radically-leftist as me, but I've had a lot of time to watch things, realizing long ago that the whole "liberal media" thing was a conservative ruse, as well as the demonization of the poor, blacks, and the word liberal. A lot of money has been spent to achieve these purposes, and the ranks of the mindless myrmidons sycophants who follow the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly are strong and growing, often buying into a philosophy that has over-time lowered their incomes, and sent their jobs out-of-country. Many are waking up to this, I hope some of you have, in light of what we've seen them do to Dean. Just hang in there, and let's try to win this thing, there are 48 more States remaining. If Dean can talk himself hoarse, and keep plodding through the motions, preaching his philosophy to the millions of us who believe in him and show up at his campaign stops, then we can certainly write letters, and keep the faith.
Thanks for all your efforts, and faith in Dean, and his campaign. Sorry it was so long, but I had a lot to convey.