,1,7037909,print.story?coll=orl-news-headlinesCAMPAIGN 2004 -- TRAIL MIX
Kerry sends Miami congressman to South Carolina black churches
By Mark Silva
Sentinel Staff Writer
January 31, 2004
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Kendrick Meek, a Miami congressman, will not only serve as chairman of Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign in Florida, but also come to South Carolina to campaign for Kerry.
In this state where black voters could account for half the votes cast in Tuesday's first Southern primary election, the Kerry campaign plans to press Meek into service in black churches and on radio stations Sunday.
In Florida, Meek said Friday, the senator from Massachusetts should appeal to voters with his core issues of health care, jobs and education. Kerry suggested too that "an awful lot of Florida came from Massachusetts. They're called snowbirds. They live down there."
Meek was involved in turning out voters for the 2000 presidential election and ballot dispute in Florida.
Kerry says Florida's last election is history and he's running "for the future." Yet Kerry mentioned this in the same breath, when asked about the Florida vote: "I'll have a very strong legal team . . . to guarantee that every vote in America is eligible and every vote is counted."
This is great news for the Kerry campaign in Florida. Congressman Kendrick Meek is the son of Carrie Meek, the very popular former Congressional representative from Miami, who recently retired.