Note to Moderators: This thread is about the methodology used in a Washington Post Poll and the fact that it apparently conducted a poll whose design is heavily biased in ONE Democratic Candidate's favor. This isn't about the article the poll was cited in nor the actual poll results. That the Washington Post, a supposedly Liberal newspaper of record, might have done a Biased Poll for one Democratic Candidate is a pretty big deal. This the sort of thing, that if it turns out to be true, could influence many potential voters.
I took the term "Push Poll" out of the thread title so the thread can't be locked due to "misleading" title.
I would suggest emailing the omsbudman at the Washington Post and ask for a clarification. Politely. For some reason, when I try to post the omsbudsman's email address it doesn't work...
The latest Washington Post-ABC News poll shows Dean way ahead in the Democratic presidential race with the support of 31% of Democrats., the questions asked and the order they were apparently given guaranteed that this poll would be a sort of "push poll" for Dean. The complete list of poll questions and their order are virtually assuredto inflate Dean's numbers.
After several questions about Bush, the poll asks respondents for whom they would vote in a Bush-Dean race.
There are no corresponding questions about voting for any other specific Democrat against Bush.
The poll then asks several more questions about Bush.
Then respondents are asked whether they trust Bush or Dean more on specific issues.
Again, there are no questions setting up other Democratic candidates against Bush.
Finally, the poll asks Democrats for whom would they vote in a Democratic presidential primary or caucus.
What this indicates- by the time anti-Bush Democrats (the majority of Democrats) are asked which Democratic presidential candidate they support, they've already expressed themselves as preferring Dean over Bush and trusting Dean more than Bush on specific issues.
Democrats who aren't yet following the Primaries closely and are still unfamiliar with the candidates would be more likely to select Dean after just having responded to several questions with expressions of support for Dean -- but no other Democratic presidential candidate.
It would seem whoever designed this poll was seeking a pro-Dean result.
Here are some of the questions and the order in which they appear.
1) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush
is handling his job as president?
2.1) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W.
Bush is handling: The economy?
2.2) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W.
Bush is handling: The situation in Iraq?
2.3) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W.
Bush is handling: Education?
2.4) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W.
Bush is handling: Prescription drugs benefits for the elderly?
2.5) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W.
Bush is handling: The cost, availability, and coverage of health
2.6) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W.
Bush is handling: The federal budget deficit?
2.7) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W.
Bush is handling: The US campaign against terrorism?
2.8) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W.
Bush is handling: Medicare?
3) If the 2004 presidential election were being held today,
would you vote for George W. Bush, the Republican, or the
Democratic nominee?
4) If the 2004 presidential election were being held today, and
the candidates were George W. Bush, the Republican, and
Howard Dean, the Democrat, for whom would you vote?
5) Which one of these will be the single most important issue
in your vote for president next year: the U.S. campaign
against terrorism, the war in Iraq, the economy and jobs,
education, health care, Medicare and prescription drugs,
Social Security or something else?
6) Are you more likely to vote for a presidential candidate who
supported or opposed going to war with Iraq?
7) Are you more likely to vote for a presidential candidate who
wants to keep the recent federal tax cuts in place, or for a
candidate who wants to reduce or repeal the recent federal
tax cuts?
8) On another subject, all in all, considering the costs to the
United States versus the benefits to the United States, do you
think the war with Iraq was worth fighting, or not?
#9-21 all questions about Bush.
22) Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the choice of
Democratic candidates for president?
23) What's the most important issue to you in deciding your
vote for the Democratic candidate for president?
25) How much do you feel you know about Howard Dean's
personal qualities, such as experience and leadership ability -
a great deal, a good amount, only some, or hardly anything?
26) How much do you feel you know about Dean's positions
on specific issues - a great deal, a good amount, only some,
or hardly anything?
27) Who do you trust more to handle national security and the
war on terrorism: George W. Bush or Howard Dean?
28) Who do you trust more to handle domestic issues such
as Social Security, health care and education: George W.
Bush or Howard Dean?
29) Do you think George W. Bush's views on most issues are
too liberal for you, too conservative for you, or just about right?
30) Do you think Howard Dean's views on most issues are too
liberal for you, too conservative for you, or just about right?
31) How closely have you been following news about the
changes in the Medicare program that were voted on by
Congress last month?
32) Given what you know about them, do you approve or
disapprove of the Medicare changes voted on by Congress
last month?
33) On another subject, do you think a president should or
should not rely on his religious beliefs in making policy
34) How much do you use the Internet to get news or
information about political candidates?
998) If the 2004 Democratic presidential primary or caucus in
your state were being held today, and the candidates were
Joseph Lieberman, Richard Gephardt, John Kerry, John
Edwards, Al Sharpton, Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich, Carol
Moseley Braun, or Wesley Clark, for whom would you vote?