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About Media Brainwashing

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liberalmike27 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 11:27 AM
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About Media Brainwashing
Anyone who thinks the media doesn't try to steer you to, and from primary candidates, and to Bush in the last general election, is most likely a victim. If you aren't watching for it, most likely they've gotten you already.

Hey, I'm an avid Dean supporter, I hear honesty, integrity, and verve when he speaks. But even I can't help but feel dismayed with the constant slew of steering away from Dean, that is still going on today. The media has, and still is treating Dean far, far worse than any other candidate. Most likely they fear he will actually try to help people in their daily lives, which tends to hurt the huge corporations they are part of, so brainwashing is there.

We absolutely have no idea who is most electable, but when so many hate Bush and everything he's doing, it is a substantial factor when they constantly put only Deans showing against Bush when he was ahead, and now all they show is Kerry's positives against Bush. Were they to have shown all Bush vs. anyone, before Iowa, people would have seen Dean's chances were statistically as good as anyone's. By only showing Deans though, they promote the perception that his were worse than others. Same thing now.

Best thing anyone could do is not watch any television or listen to any radio coverage, and just get your information from the web. I don't at all think everyone is idiotic, they just like to feel like we have a free-press that is interested in our lives, our needs. It's hard to give up on that idea. But unfortunately, the press is no more free than anywhere, they are owned by huge multi-Billion dollar, often multinational, and eventually transnational corporations. They push the candidate they thing will go along, which seems to be Kerry, and they destroy any rebel type candidates like Dean.

Best thing to do, is pay attention, and go for the one's ideas you like, not pay attention to their polls, especially on electability, and vote for the guy you feel is being honest with you. Voting based on their estimates of elect ability, as far as I'm concerned, is just being the very victim of their manipulation that some here claim isn't there. You aren't an idiot, but we are unavoidably influenced by every news show, and worm-eating show, or American Idol show we watch. Perhaps these other shows are making us more course, making insulting and making fun of folks more acceptable, and in politics, steering the American mind toward the guy they want, Kerry. Run away, pick a guy like Dean, Edwards, or Clark. At least they are catching a lot of flak from them, and two of them have experienced both poor, and rich. It's hard for me to think a guy can fully understand the plight of the poor, without having ever been there. But for some reason, more of a feeling, I trust Dean. The fact the media hates him, well, that's just icing on the cake.
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George_Bonanza Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 11:36 AM
Response to Original message
1. Dean's been attacked b/c he was the clear front runner for so long
For someone who denounces being swayed by popular opinion, you seem to be very much in the typical school of "Blame the media! Kerry is undeserving!" sourgrapes.

Yes, the media was on Dean. But you must acknowledge that it was because of the early media that Dean got that put him in the position to be toppled down in the first place. The only candidate that showed up on magazine covers and newspapers was Howard Dean. John Kerry was treated like a has-been who only popped up to compare his flaccid campaign to Dean's robust machine. I even saw a Dean ad up here in Canada. So did the media attack Dean more than anybody else? Yes they did. Why? Because he was clearly the front-runner starting in the summer. So blame his campaign for being too good, too early.

Just you wait until the attacks against Kerry start piling up from the RNC and his opponents. Then you'll be eating crow about how Kerry's been getting a free ride. Remember the Philly cheesesteak? French-looking? Botox? The Washington National Mall? Too liberal? You know, it's funny... I think John Kerry is the only candidate whose detractors have labelled as an unelectable Republican-pandering too far left liberal.

The people of Iowa and New Hampshire are renowned for their independence and shrewdness when it comes to elections. Funny, they weren't so easily duped and manipulated when they were buying all the good press abot Dean.
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polpilot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 11:41 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. The pro-war DLC establishement have their pro-establishment candidate.
Go to the DLC site for this revelation.

Dean '04...Not the establishment candidate.
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Keebs Donating Member (122 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 11:48 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Well
"For someone who denounces being swayed by popular opinion, you seem to be very much in the typical school of "Blame the media! Kerry is undeserving!" sourgrapes"

I don't really see it like that at all. The media IS bad, and it has nothing to do with who likes what dem hopeful.
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MidwestMomma Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 11:52 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. The problem is that the media wants to declare the primary race over NOW
Kerry is not going to be attacked as the front-runner of the primary race which would effect his chances of winning the nomination like Dean. Because the primaries are so compacted, by the time the negative attacks start by the RNC, he will be the undeclared nominee and the RNC will have 8 months to work the media bias against Kerry.

Of course by then, the media will be back to being 'media whores' and 'tools of the Right'.

What people need to keep in mind is that it's great when the polls are tilting things in your favor. Let's see how great the pollsters are when they are tilted for Bush and against our nominee going into the fall.
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ozone_man Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 11:50 AM
Response to Original message
4. A few messages from Bernie Sanders on corporate media.
Yes, Dean is threatening to the media and it is clear that they have tried to destroy him. I for one will not tolerate that. BTW, Kucinich is also a co-signer on the letter to CBS (bottom in Nation article).


January 29, 2004

Bernie to Discuss Corporate Control Over the Media This Week on PBS

Bernie will be a featured guest this Friday on PBS' National Affairs Show, Now With Bill Moyers. Bernie will be discussing the issue of corporate control over the media and what can be done to stop the trend of fewer corporations owning more and more of what we hear, see and read.

For local listing please click

CBS Squashes Free Speech

As an example of why we need to fight for media diversity, this week CBS refused to run an ad by during the Super Bowl. The ad is the winner of the competition held by among creators of 30 second ads about President Bush. CBS Television and parent Viacom say they don't run issue ads. But the network agreed to run a White House anti-drug ad during the Super Bowl. It seems that CBS is paying back the Bush White House for loosening media consolidation rules so giants like Viacom can gobble up even more of America's media outlets. Looks like "liberal" CBS has been taking "fair and balanced" lessons from the right wing Fox network. Check out this chart about ads CBS had no problem running.

Fight Back:

Comedian Dennis Miller this week kicked off his new CNBC talk show, promising content completely biased in Bush's favor. Miller told the Associated Press that President Bush and the Administration will "get a pass" from Miller because he "likes to take care of his friends." Miller long ago shed any air of objectivity. Furthermore, Dennis Miller's show employs a consulting producer, Mike Murphy, who at the same time continues to work as a consultant and fundraiser for California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. CNBC claims to be a news channel. But Miller is clear he is an entertainer not bound by jounalistic ethics. If CNBC is going to give a Republican shill like Miller a show on their network, they should give one to an articulate progressive. Tell CNBC what you think of Dennis Miller's lack of journalistic ethics and let them know you want them to give equal time to progressive voices.

Exhibit A Against Media Concentration
The Nation -- January 29, 2004
John Nichols
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George_Bonanza Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 11:57 AM
Response to Original message
6. NH is one of the most wired states in America

So any media bias they got from filtered news sources on TV were easily refuted on the internet. Oh what, they don't know how to use a mouse?
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liberalmike27 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 12:54 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Lot of Bias
There are still huge numbers of people who have televisions and radio's, but no Computer. It's almost elitist to believe everyone has a computer.

I don't know what you were watching, but early on, they were simply reporting Dean, a few months before the election they went highly negative, and about two-weeks before the election when Dean lead comfortably, they intensified their negative crusade.

If you don't believe it is happening, then like I said, you are probably a victim of it!!
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Virgil Donating Member (410 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 01:37 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. The thought herders are on the Internet too
Whenever I see people ask questions, I look to see if it is the appropriate question. Your question has all the marks of a professional thought herder.

The fact that people have the Internet is not related to the agenda of the media, especially considering they furnish most of the content that gets circulated on the Internet. It is not like their are 5 media conglomerates and a controlled media that are not allowed to be the dominate sources of news on the Internet. We are drowned in propaganda and then we have people that ask what I call I question inversion. We have truth inversion that is called spin and then we have questions like yours that represent question inversion.
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Lydia Leftcoast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-04 01:15 PM
Response to Original message
8. At least your guy gets mentioned.
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