Anyone who thinks the media doesn't try to steer you to, and from primary candidates, and to Bush in the last general election, is most likely a victim. If you aren't watching for it, most likely they've gotten you already.
Hey, I'm an avid Dean supporter, I hear honesty, integrity, and verve when he speaks. But even I can't help but feel dismayed with the constant slew of steering away from Dean, that is still going on today. The media has, and still is treating Dean far, far worse than any other candidate. Most likely they fear he will actually try to help people in their daily lives, which tends to hurt the huge corporations they are part of, so brainwashing is there.
We absolutely have no idea who is most electable, but when so many hate Bush and everything he's doing, it is a substantial factor when they constantly put only Deans showing against Bush when he was ahead, and now all they show is Kerry's positives against Bush. Were they to have shown all Bush vs. anyone, before Iowa, people would have seen Dean's chances were statistically as good as anyone's. By only showing Deans though, they promote the perception that his were worse than others. Same thing now.
Best thing anyone could do is not watch any television or listen to any radio coverage, and just get your information from the web. I don't at all think everyone is idiotic, they just like to feel like we have a free-press that is interested in our lives, our needs. It's hard to give up on that idea. But unfortunately, the press is no more free than anywhere, they are owned by huge multi-Billion dollar, often multinational, and eventually transnational corporations. They push the candidate they thing will go along, which seems to be Kerry, and they destroy any rebel type candidates like Dean.
Best thing to do, is pay attention, and go for the one's ideas you like, not pay attention to their polls, especially on electability, and vote for the guy you feel is being honest with you. Voting based on their estimates of elect ability, as far as I'm concerned, is just being the very victim of their manipulation that some here claim isn't there. You aren't an idiot, but we are unavoidably influenced by every news show, and worm-eating show, or American Idol show we watch. Perhaps these other shows are making us more course, making insulting and making fun of folks more acceptable, and in politics, steering the American mind toward the guy they want, Kerry. Run away, pick a guy like Dean, Edwards, or Clark. At least they are catching a lot of flak from them, and two of them have experienced both poor, and rich. It's hard for me to think a guy can fully understand the plight of the poor, without having ever been there. But for some reason, more of a feeling, I trust Dean. The fact the media hates him, well, that's just icing on the cake.