Warning: This is an article written by Dick Morris in the NY Post...
http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/15754.htmJanuary 30, 2004 -- .....the Democratic nomination probably won't be decided by a contest in which John Kerry beats Howard Dean and never really has to come to terms with also-rans like John Edwards and Wesley Clark. Only the liberal wing of the Democratic Party has reached a conclusion in its designation of Kerry as their finalist for the nomination. There is still a big opening for a moderate candidate such Edwards or Clark. .... the moderate primary was essentially a three-way tie —Edwards and Clark at 12 percent each, with Joe Lieberman only slightly behind at 9 percent.
The race will not remain a Kerry-Dean contest, but will evolve, as it always does, into one between one liberal (likely Kerry) and one moderate.....The next round on Tuesday favors the moderates as we move south to South Carolina, Missouri, Delaware, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and North Dakota. Iowa and New Hampshire classically weed out the field and nominate a representative from the left to battle one from the center for the nomination: In 1976, Carter emerged as the moderate and Rep. Morris Udall as the liberal. In '84, it became Gary Hart vs. Walter Mondale; in '88, Michael Dukakis vs. Al Gore. In 1992, Bill Clinton represented the center, Jerry Brown, the left......
With Dean's early surge and Kerry's dramatic comeback, there was little time or attention for the centrists to attract notice. Without a strong centrist candidate, and with all the attention on the Kerry-Dean drama, the New Hampshire independents and moderates were drowned out.......The left's mobilization in the primaries so far, out of intense concern over the war in Iraq, has led many to ignore the Democratic Party's vast centrist base.
Now that Kerry is alone at the top as the frontrunner, he'll start getting the bulk of the criticism and media scrutiny. As he comes to be seen as the reincarnation of Ted Kennedy and Mike Dukakis (he and Kennedy share Bob Shrum as their common media man), the center will grope for an alternative. Then the process will really get under way. Because of the truncated nature of this year's political calendar, it will all happen quickly. But stay tuned, it will happen.