1) Is for the immediate withdrawal of our troops in Iraq.
2) Stop trying to provoke Iraq, and other countries in the mid-east. Also Venezuela, and other South American countries.
3) No opinion, haven't studied it.
4) No opinion, but we're strong on the environment, and down here in Florida, protecting the shoreline from drilling and restoring the Everglades are a top priority.
5) Against the death penalty
6) You missed that one!
7) Scrap Nafta, Cafta, and the WTO. We support Fair Trade, not bogus Free Trade Agreements suck away American jobs.
8) John is a Nurse Practitioner at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa. He also has a Masters Degree in Health Care Systems Management. He understands the problems associated with our fractured health care system, and fully supports a universal, single-payer healthcare plan, such as Conyers bill, H.R.676, and Kennedy's medicare for all. Under these bills, everyone is covered regardless of age, income, or employment status. It would be financed by a 3.5% payroll tax on employers.
8) Support
John is a true progressive, who has a good chance of winning,and deserves support.
For mor info, go to www.johnrussellforcongress.com