....but I disagree. I think to a small extent that is partially true but for the most part it is anything but true. Of course we have the “Bush is all but God Himself and can do nothing wrong crowd who will never see the truth. Then we have the one issue, Bush is against abortion, crowd that will always be happy with Bush unless he literally starts gunning people down in the streets. Then we have all others, including myself, who know Bush is a criminal and would almost see the devil himself as an improvement over the boy king. I think this third crowd is much larger than many of us realize at this point. So I think Middle America is much more awake than many of us give them credit for.
There is, however, a major problem that is preventing many from actively and loudly taking to the streets so to speak. Let me say at the outset that I don’t think Americans are the type to truly take to the streets and demonstrate in enough numbers to really wake up the criminal crew in Washington, DC. They just aren’t going to do it so we need to scrap that idea altogether.
Just because people aren’t screaming at the top of their lungs doesn’t mean they are happy by any means. In my opinion Middle America is waiting for three things right now. First thing they’re waiting for is November 7, 2006, Election Day. Whatever ills people see coming out of the Oval Office will be reflected in the turnout and results of ballots cast on Election Day. Either Congress will be given a total overhaul or kept in tact pretty much as it is now. Personally, I think we are looking at a real possibility of the former occurring. Whether they know it or not I think Bush, Cheney, and Rove are facing a real surprise come November.
The second thing I think people are looking for is actually two-fold. To understand the first thing requires that we understand the average American mindset. As we are all painfully aware, Americans do not focus much on the past. As an example, if the average American was asked just three questions about WWII they might get one, or if they were really educated on the era, they might get two answers right and that was just a mere 60 years ago. Even more recent than that, most American’s can’t tell you what Nixon was responsible for doing that brought about Watergate. So with most American’s it’s either here and now or it simply don’t exist for them. Our job, therefore, is to keep our message very current to the American Voter and make them realize they are the answer to change.
Second thing we need for the average “here and now” American is catchy phrase. We need something that sums up, in absolutely no more than five words, what Bush & Co is doing to this country. I know, I know, how do we sum up in five words what a truly evil administration this is? Want change though? This is how to bring it about! This phrase needs to deal with Bush & Co as a whole and not be too liberal in any way. It won’t be easy to come up with such a phrase but the fact is most Americans shut their hearing off at the least hint of partisanship of any kind.
Third, and by far most importantly, the Average American is waiting for a Statesman to step forward and take the reins of leadership. Personally, I think it sucks, but most Americans would prefer someone without any skeletons in their closet. (As for me, I don’t expect my leaders to be anymore perfect than I am, I simply expect them to know how to lead. I don’t really care how many stained navy blue dresses they produce, in fact I hope there are enough navy blue dresses with stains to keep their wound up nerves under control.) Most Americans can deal with skeletons IF and only IF the politicians are up front and truthful about each and every skeleton they carry. So a true statesman needs to take the skeletons right out of the oppositions hands by admitting what those skeletons are, that they aren’t perfect, and that their personal weaknesses do not and will not affect their leadership abilities.
If and when we can accomplish all this we will see change in this country that will benefit every American. We will have leaders left of the middle controlling Congress and the White House for much longer than just 8 years at a time.