Easier said than done: Politicians Are "Public Employees - If They Let Us Down And Sell Us Out, They Should Be Fired" (the teaser on the Huffington Post front page for the Moyers article)...and until there is a PRACTICAL way to make this HAPPEN, it's just more IDLE WANKING. It's empty, beat-the-chest BULLSHIT. What's your PLAN, Bill? Your article has a lot of pissing and moaning about how Abramoff, DeLay and the rest are bad men...and a final, worthless cop-out paragraph on how they "should be fired." What's that look like to you? Or are you happy just blowing journalistic smoke up our collective ARSE? Should we just stand around and BITCH...like YOU did in this article?:grr:
DeLay, Abramoff, and The Public Trust
Bill Moyers
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-moyers/delay-abramoff-and-the-_b_16534.htmlIt is time to fight again. These people in Washington have no right to be doing what they are doing. It's not their government, it's your government. They work for you. They're public employees - and if they let us down and sell us out, they should be fired. That goes for the lowliest bureaucrat in town to the senior leaders of Congress on up to the President of the United States.