From the beginning Bush was too much of a coward to develop a platform of his own, choosing to capitalize on the generic lowest common denominator homogenized hatred of persecutory 'christian' socialism, the illogical and unworkable 'two' state non-solution for Jerusalem, with continued support of rabid religious socialism in both Israel and Palestine. He dared not challenge the Global Mercantile Nobility and based his entire economic platform on the Rash Limp-Bow theory of economic enrichment through wealthy sewage, and an orgy of Organized Gambling for profit scam for healthcare.
From the moment he admitted he had been "terrorized" by this ragtag crowd of pissant Muslim Fascist fighters he surrendered America and Americans to guilty fear of an anointed, valid enemy. This needless and valueless centralized Big Government - Big Lie "Homeland Fascist" bureaucracy he created was a wholesale capitulation to fear, and he and his band of cowards have promoted, harnessed and exploited Americans unreasoning fear of a tiny, largely impotent and ineffective enemy to destroy freedom and liberty here, and send us hiding under our beds clutching our biblical socialist dogma books for security from the big world of compassion, reason, freedom and liberty out there.
He was so afraid of a captive tin pot dictator in an occupied third world country, and afraid of being unable to capture the Osama Bin Laden our CIA Mafia had armed, hidden and trained so well, and so afraid of having to deal with Israel, Jerusalem and Palestine that he has escalated and hardened the battle between Republican Liberty and Religious Fascism into a global world war.
His wanton and ruthless unprovoked cowardly attack upon innocent Iraqis from the edge of outer space has done more to promote Muslim Fascism in the Arab world than Mohamed ever did (or most likely would have never done). Even Iran which had been gradually liberalizing has now been forced back into the grip of religious tyranny.
Once again we do not have an FDR in our White House when we dearly need one.
Where is the National Retraining and Relocation program to bring the nation's unemployed to the Gulf Coast to work to rebuild our nation? Where are the initiatives for private industries to expand, relocate and get involved in this massive rebuilding program. Where is the National Reconstruction and Re planning Administration we need to deal with the obvious disasters being visited on us due to our ignorance of global warming? Where is the National Energy Program to immediately move us into compliance with Kyoto and dramatically and irreversibly cut our emissions of greenhouse gases?
We have nothing to fear but Bush himself