position Tom Noe formerly held. Tom Noe also was part of Blackwell suits:
It was Mr. Noe and company who were intervening on Kenneth Blackwells behalf in many of the court cases where questions of provisional ballots arose. He was also an Intervenor in the case to override the protest to the fraudulent recount in Ohio.
http://news.lp.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/election2004/sandblack102604opn.pdfGREGORY L. ARNOLD; GLENN A. WOLFE; and THOMAS
Nos. 04-4265/4266
Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Northern District of Ohio at Toledo.
No. 04-07582—James G. Carr, District Judge.
Submitted: October 23, 2004
Decided and Filed: October 26, 2004
Before: BOGGS, Chief Judge; GILMAN, Circuit Judge; and WEBER, District Judge.*
http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/docs/ohio/Rios/intervene.pdfMOTION TO INTERVENE OF THOMAS W. NOE , GLENN A. WOLFE, AND GREGORY L. ARNOLD
Pursuant to Rule 24(a) and (b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Thomas W. Noe, Glenn A. Wolfe, and Gregory L. Arnold (hereinafter, “Intervenors”), hereby move this Court for an order granting leave to intervene as Defendants in this proceeding. Intervenors have a vital interest in the subject matter of this proceeding and are so situated that the disposition of this action may, as a practical matter, impair or impede their ability to protect those interests.
There are many more cases, some dating back to 2003 where Mr. Noe Intervened on Blackwell's behalf. Another little twist in the story is the Judge who presided over many of the cases Judge Carr, is also the Judge who is now responsible for the only remaining lawsuit referencing the 2004 election.
http://www.nvri.org/about/ohio_sargus_transfer_order050905.pdf.Bernadette Noe and Tom Noe both have links to the Lucas County BOE. Ms Noe was Chairperson of the Lucas County BOE during the past election. I hope you have taken the time to read the SOS's Investigation of Lucas county following the election:
http://www.sos.state.oh.us/sos/elections/lucas.htmThis report includes the fact that REPUBLICAN VOLUNTEERS were allowed UNSUPERVISED ACCESS to UNSECURED BALLOTS prior to the election, as well as this list:
*failure to maintain ballot security
*Inability to implement and maintain a trackable system for voter ballot reconciliation .
*failure to prepare and develop a plan for the processing of the voluminous amount of voter registration forms received.
*issuance and acceptance of incorrect absentee ballot forms.
*manipulation of the process involving the 3% recount.
*disjointed implementation of the Directive regarding the removal of Nader and Camejo from the ballot .
*failure to properly issue hospital ballots in accordance with statutory requirements.
*failure to maintain the security of poll books during the official canvass
*failure to examine campaign finance reports in a timely manner.
*failure to guard and protect public documents.
*failure to guard and protect public documents ....etc.
-One-half of the ballots printed and used in the 2004 general election in Lucas county were stored in an open space on the fhird floor of the county warehouse with no security measures in place.
SOURCE: SOS Investigation on Lucas County BOE page 4
-Live ballots were delivered to polling locations a week in advance of the election. Although the ballots were retrieved, one board employee who was assigned to the warehouse informed the SOS staff that he did not believe all the ballots were successfully retrieved.
SOURCE; SOS Investigation, page 5
-Lucas County BOE failed to record or retrieve ballot stub numbers of absentee voters’ ballots as required by statute OH Revised Code 3505.23. It was reported by an elector that her mother had received not one, but three absentee voter ballots. there was no way to determine if similar incidents occurred and if so how many.
SOURCE: SOS Investigation, page 7
-October 4, 2004 was filing deadline for new voter registrations. At that point there were approximately 20,000 unprocessed voter registration applications with less than a month before the election. One mail tray containing 4,500-7,000 (estimates vary) unprocessed “Project Voter” registrations were discovered on or about October 18,2004.
SOURCE: SOS Investigation pg 10
***Of interest here is information obtained from the SOS website entitled ElectionsVoter/results 2003 and 2004 which show the # of registered voters number change from ‘03-’04 was 11,947 in Lucas County: reg voters 2003 in Lucas=288,190 ; registered voter in 2004=300,137.
-In late September or early October an employee of the Ohio Republican Party contacted Sam Thurber (*involved with politician wife Maggie Thurber in Noe scandal.) wanting to inspect and have copies made of all recently returned voter registrations, Ohio Republican Party offered to furnish volunteers to assist with copying postcards. No one at the Lucas County BOE can confirm that anyone was assigned to supervise Republican volunteers. On their second day of copying, a BOE employee, Jennifer Bernath, Democratic Booth Official) saw republican party volunteers peeling off the yellow return stickers applied by the post office. (Violation of RC 149.43 (B) (I) , and agruably a violation of 149.351.
SOURCE: SOS Investigation, pgs 18-19
*Among those whose donations have caught the attention of investigators are:
City Councilman Betty Shultz; former state representative Sally Perz, her husband, Joe, and her daughter, Allison; former county elections director Joe Kidd; county Auditor Larry Kaczala and his wife, Gina; County Commissioner Maggie Thurber and her husband, Sam; and two of Mr. Noe’s co-workers at Vintage Coins and Collectibles, partner Tim Lapointe and executive assistant Susan Metzger. Mr. Lapointe’s wife, Linda, also donated.
All of the above gave the campaign $2,000 except the Thurbers; each of them gave $1,950 to the campaign. The $23,900 in donations were made between Oct. 30 and Nov. 5, 2003.
Path of donations At issue is whether Mr. Noe gave people money in order for them to give to the Bush campaign, allowing Mr. Noe to exceed federal spending limits, law-enforcement sources said.
Toledo Blade - FBI Raids GOP Donor Noe's Condo
Friday, April 29, 2005
-The Swanton 3 poll book turned up missing and has never been recovered.
SOURCE: SOS Investigation pg 16
-The number of precincts in Lucas County for the November 2003 election was 530 precincts, at the time of the November 2, 2004 election there were 495 precincts.
Tom W. Noe served as the Chairman of the Lucas County Republican Party from 1992-1995 as well as on the board of the Lucas County Board of Election from 1993-2003. He was also appointed to the Ohio Board of regents in 1995.
http://www.regents.state.oh.us/people/noe.html(Although he did not possess a college degree, in fact he dropped out in his first year of college)
It was during his tenure on the BOE that Diebold machines were brought into Lucas County.
"TOLEDO, Ohio, May 10, 2002 ¯ Just about every county in the nation is rushing to update their voting technology, but no county to date has done it faster than Lucas County."
"Lucas County Board of Elections Acting Chairman Tom Noe, who was present to observe the May 7th election, was pleased with the outcome. "I don't think there is another county in the nation that has implemented touch screen voting as quickly as Lucas County did for this trial run in a primary election," Noe said. "The people of Lucas County and of Ohio in general can be proud of this achievement.""
http://www.sequoiavote.com/mediadetail.php?id=57 http://www.diebold.com/news/newsdisp.asp?id=2997