Joshua Frank -- World News Trust
(The New York Times yesterday laid out the case against Conrad Burns, Republican Senator from Montana. Burns is losing ground fast in a tight race with Jon Tester, a Montana farmer and prominent Democrat. If there is any place in the United States where the Democrats are worth a damn, it looks like Montana is it. Below is my own encounter with ol' Conrad Burns, the super-shyster. He even likes to poison kids. -- jf)
I've met Senator Conrad Burns on two separate occasions: Once during a visit to his plush office in Washington DC, and the other at an airport in Montana while he was campaigning for reelection. It wasn't long into our first meeting that I realized the Republican couldn't care less about the state he purportedly represented.
Yeah, I admit it -- I was a bit of neophyte back in the day.
When I visited Sen. Burns in Washington I had a chance to chat a while with a couple of his sprightly young interns. Both had thick southern accents. I remember how overly eager I was to ask them what they thought about some of the pressing issues that were facing my home state at the time. And I was surprised to find out that neither had ever even been to Big Sky Country. When I pointed this out to Burns he just chuckled, patted me on the back, and divulged in his raspy voice, "I don't hire the cute ones for their brains, kid. I hire 'em cuz they are easy on the eyes."
Like so many other sleazy politicians in DC, Burns is sullied by out-of-state (often times out-of-country) interests. He works for the fat cats that thicken his campaign coffers -- not the Montanans who vote for him. And his assistants were a testament to his real motivations. It was just business. The senator's high-ranking seats on the Appropriations Committee and the Energy and Natural Resources Committee have scored him hundreds of thousands of dollars from the oil and gas industry, while his seat on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee has landed him boo coo bucks from the telecommunications sector. He pockets thousands from big timber, the NRA, the pro-Israel lobby, and even has connections to Jack Abramoff, the notorious DC lobbyist who has been accused of bilking millions out of his Native American clients.