I have to admit, I'm fairly surprised at the comments viewers are sending to Lou Dobbs on CNN and that they're actually being aired. For example, from tonight (3/2/06):
Anna in Minnesota, "The only thing this 45 days is doing is giving the company time to buy out more of our politicians."
Tom in Arkansas, "This moronic Dubai Ports deal should be renamed the 'Goodbye Ports Deal' -- unbelievable."
Grace in Wisconsin, "Lou, I just heard again that the UAE are our good friends. We have a lot of good friends, but we do not give them keys to our house."
And Chris in New Hampshire, "Who cares that Israel endorses the UAE takeover of U.S. ports, or have we outsourced our national security to them? Maybe we can get Iran to oversee the exchange of nuclear information to India."
And Ann in New Jersey, "If Dubai Ports World is such a straightforward, up-front and honest company, then why are they trying to silence you?"
Referring to the efforts of this company and the Dubai government to shut me up, as we reported here a week ago.
And Tom in Alabama, "Dear Lou: We now have positive proof that Cheney is in disfavor with Bush. Bush is selling control of our ports to the UAE, and not Halliburton."
Well, more of your thoughts now.
Gordy in Nevada wrote in to say -- "Lou, I guess the president went to India to visit our jobs."
And Richard in Oregon: "Lou, every time I heard George Bush say he is certain, I want to run for the hills. However, I'm not sure he hasn't sold those, too."
Bill in Michigan: "Lou, there should be a law against the selling of America to foreign governments, but it appears they've already bought the White House."
Steve in California: "Lou, my question is a simple one. Why should we trust the president on the ports deal, as he suggests, when one of his closest advisers on border security is President Vicente Fox?"
And Jim in Illinois: "Lou, if we're going to ask our educators to adopt a merit-based salary system, why not ask our congressmen and senators to do the same?"
An interesting idea.
And Ron in Texas: "Lou, 70 percent of the country is against the port deal. Let's all hope those same 70 percent will turn out to vote the bums out in November."
And Ralph: "Lou, how can you be so critical of our Congress and Senate? Remember, they only have 85 days a year to do the job."
And Robert in California: "Lou, the emblem of the Homeland Security Department should be a sieve, because sooner or later, everything gets through."
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0603/02/ldt.01.html:bounce: :spank: :bounce:
Is this just a temporary thing, or am I be getting my hopes up too much by thinking this is the start of a real trend among the general population, that people are finally beginning to wake up (even if just a little bit)?