Democracy is not a spectator sport.
About a month ago, I was the first US Senate candidate in the country to call on all patriotic Americans to support Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) in his efforts to bring impeachment of these executive misfits. We made cyberspace headlines.... and now.... it's yesterday's news.
I challenged our Congressmen Kennedy and Langevin to join his efforts. Two weeks after that I prepared articles of impeachment and called on the RI General Assembly to have a joint resolution sent to the US House floor, which would be expedited and immediately heard by rule of process...... and now.... it's yesterday's news.
Our beautiful billboard BE PATRIOTIC IMPEACH BUSH grabbed the hearts and hopes of thousands upon thousands of supporters....and you decide if it's important.... or it's yesterday's news.
If you want your Democracy back, if you want your America back... it's not a spectator sport.
We'll do the heavy lifting, but I need your help.
Blogs who help get the voice of everyday folks out are doing the public service that mainstream media is failing to do.
I'm committed to keeping our Be Patriotic Impeach Bush billboard up and letting people know we hear you and we care.
I'm asking people to do a small thing in support. Contact 10 people you know and ask them to do the same. This will eventually give us back our America.
Those wanting to help can do what many have done and send $20.06 with a commitment to share each month up to the elections.
It all helps keep our billboard up and the dream of a better America alive.
Carl Sheeler, US Senate Democrat, not aristocrat www.carlsheeler.com
Friends of Sheeler 592 Hopkins Hill Road West Greenwich, RI 02817