ED ROLLINS, FMR. WHITE HOUSE POLITICAL DIR.: You know, the reality is, they've lost their touch. I mean, it's just -- as I was saying to Joe earlier, every week it's something that just reinforces the message that these guys don't know what they're doing. They're incompetent.
ROLLINS: Well, state-of-the-art, Donald Rumsfeld is state-of- the-art 1976. And, you know, he wanted to get that job again so he could finish, and he has that same thought process.
ROLLINS: We started down this trap when we took on Marine One, the President's helicopter, which was built by Sikorsky in Connecticut for ever since the president's flown in one, and we basically buy a French helicopter. Tells you a lot.
ROLLINS: Well, nobody else plays by the same rules. That's the problem. I mean, we basically, you know -- your points -- I mean, everything in this administration is black or white. You're either loyal or you're disloyal. You're either an isolationist or you're an internationalist. But the bottom line is other countries aren't playing by the same rules. And that's ...
ROLLINS: This Congress is going to pay a heavy price and they are running for the desks.
ROLLINS: And that tragedy is just beginning. Cunningham going to jail today, you know, who in other times would have been shot for treason, it just the beginning. There is three or four major investigations going on of corruption.
And it's going to -- there's so many U.S. attorneys looking at this thing that by the middle of this summer, there's going to be 10 or 15 Congressmen, at least, that are going to be under very serious scrutiny and ...