Note: I have been very thorough because I think these are very serious accusations, and I would not want to make false accusations against anyone. It is well worth reading, because it proves the Bush administration knew it was doing something illegal. Hence the reason it is the smoking gun.
The Smoking Gun: NSA Wiretapping Program
PC Kelly
It was hidden in plain sight, on the website of The Center for Public Integrity. The document titled "Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003" or popularly know as the "Patriot Act II" contains the most important text on the first page! In section 103 the text is as follows:
"Under 50 U.S.C. §§ 1811, 1829 & 1844, the Attorney General may authorize, without the prior approval of the FISA Court, electronic surveillance, physical searches, or the use of pen registers for a period of 15 days following a congressional declaration of war. This wartime exception is unnecessarily narrow; it may be invoked only when Congress formally has declared war, a rare event in the nation's history and something that has not occurred in more than sixty years. This provision would expand FISA's wartime exception by allowing the wartime exception to be invoked after Congress authorizes the use of military force, or after the United States has suffered an attack creating an national emergency."
The really important part would be:
"This provision would expand FISA's wartime exception by allowing the wartime exception to be invoked after Congress authorizes the use of military force, or after the United States has suffered an attack creating an national emergency."
You see this demonstrates that at the time the second Patriot Act was written, the Department of Justice believed they did not have authorization to wiretap without a warrant. Why? They thought the Authorization of Military Force Against Terrorists did not override FISA. This is the smoking gun. It proves the legal arguments, which have been given by the current Attorney General in his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, were not the original reasoning behind the program. In fact I believe it shows the former Attorney General or the specific person who drafted this law (Patriot Act II) knew it was illegal to wiretap a suspect without a court order. Basically:
Why would someone seek to legalize something, if they already thought the something was legal?
I do trust the source of the document that I have quoted, as it is a non-partisan organization with a very good record. I just don't see why they would have written up 120 pages of a law and have it be fake. (In other words I think the document is so long, it must be real.)
The specific page on The Center for Public Integrities website (includes a link to the full text of the act available in PDF format): Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (all of it): 1811 the part which was supposed to be enlarged in scope to include an AUMF trigger: Attorney General's written testimony including his legal reliance on the AUMF: Spoken Testimony is available at under the Link "Response to Terrorism."