Since before the Iraq War began, True Majority ACTION members have been raising their voices for peace. News stories, polls and editorials show that the majority of Americans are coming around, and we should be encouraged as we get our second wind to continue this struggle.
Our friends at CodePink have been leaders as well, with a constant flow of bold, creative actions spreading the message that Americans of all stripes do not want Iraqis killed in our name. They’ve offered TrueMajorityACTION members the chance to join in on their latest campaign – a Call for Peace in honor of International Women’s Day, which will be delivered by a huge crowd in Washington D.C. along with a delegation of Iraqi women. We think it’s a great idea, and hope you will, too. ANYONE can sign, whether you're a woman or just the child of one.
To have your name put on the Call for Peace, click the link below: