You used the word incompetent. What's going wrong? I know you're a Democrat and you look at it from that perspective, but what's going wrong as you see it from this administration over the last couple of months with this issue of Dubai, the ports, the Katrina problem, even the shooting by the vice-president, the Harriet Miers miscue, do you think there's a second rate operation at the White House, just in terms of competence, not ideology?
BOXER: That's a good question. I just think there's a preoccupation with so many other things than the thing that's in front of you. When you're preoccupied with making everything political and scoring points, when you're preoccupied with a disastrous war in Iraq, that's my view on it, and you're worried about that, when you're trying to please your base all the time, which is pretty radical. You're just missing what's in front of you, Chris. I think all of these things, Katrina, the prescription drug plan, this particular deal here, these are big deals. These are big issues. They're important. And I just don't think there's a concentration. You know, in my world of politics, I've always found the best way to deal with an issue is to come to a conclusion after you talk to all sides. I've never been called by this administration, but that's OK, but there are many people that ought to be called from the Congress and I would say, in my final point on this is, there's also such a desire to seize the power, to not share the power, and Dick Cheney has said this. He said since Watergate, Congress has had too much power. So you're constantly having this battle and it's very sad for the American people. Good Lord, this is too important for us to be fighting about.
MATTHEWS: OK. It's different to be a senator, certainly is a much lower level to be a journalist like me. I can make all kinds of comments.
You can criticize policy, but we just had Andrea Mitchell on, who really knows the foreign scene and she is non-partisan obviously and she said if we kill this deal with Dubai, there's going to be ramifications throughout the Arab world, something like the cartoon issue where we have humiliated them. Are you worried about that consequence?
BOXER: I think she's really overstating it. The point is I don't think there's an individual alive who wouldn't understand why America, post 9/11, would want to run its own ports and we're not doing this against Dubai. We're saying at least those of us that are on this very important bill by Hillary Clinton and Bob Menendez, we're saying right now, let's just not have another country run our ports. It's pretty simple and very straightforward.
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