March 07, 2006
FOX News Continues McCarthy-esque Scapegoating Of Academia As Terrorism Threat
Instead of investigating some of the larger issues around national security – the failing grade on terrorism preparedness from the 9/11 Commission, the latest developments in the UAE port deal, the nuclear deal with India, the Katrina video and the questions it raises about our preparedness to deal with another natural or manmade disaster – Hannity & Colmes spent three segments last night (3/6/06) focusing on the “threats” from schools and universities. Add to that a segment in which Sean Hannity pushed Colonel David Hunt into saying that Democratic dissent is hurting the war on terror and one can only conclude that it’s a deliberate attempt to steer attention away from the Bush Administration’s failings and scapegoat those people Hannity and the FOX News execs don’t like – academics and Democrats.
Even by FOX News standards, last night’s top story was trivial and uninteresting except for the fact that it proved just how far the network is willing to go in its efforts to tar universities as bastions of terrorism. The “issue” was whether or not an Iranian graduate of the University of North Carolina had committed an act of terrorism when he tried to run over a group of students on campus, claiming that he was avenging the US treatment of Muslims.
FOX News’ own website called the incident “an alleged hit and run” but the big poser for Sean Hannity, clearly trying to imply that the university was risking national security, was whether the incident should have been labeled a terrorist act.