between the two houses of Congress, the judiciary, the executive branch, the state governments, which are also so divided, and the people. At least in the Constitution that's the way it is. Parties have no constitutional recognition. So it one party gets enough people to vote for them over enough number of years (or steals enough elections, if you prefer), then yeah, they can take control of the government. That's the way it's supposed to work. The constitution slows down progress, but does not eliminate it.
This was never a problem when Democrats controlled all branches of government, and it is not a constitutional problem now. It is a problem for all of us who subscribe to a different view of America than do the neo-con bastards currently in charge. But the solution is clear. Win elections. We're not going to make any changes any other way, anyway.
There's not going to be a revolution in the streets. Too many Americans are too comfortable with their own potty little lives to be interested in sacrificing themselves to make the world a better place.
The French and the UN are not going to land troops in DC in order to install an interim government and supervise legitimate elections. The UN is spineless and toothless, and the French are too busy making money.
The legal system is not going to take down the illegitimate Bush regime. Fitzmas was a fitzle. One guy, one cruddy minor little guy is all they have, and they couldn't make a charge stick on him. So they had to go to the backup of all prosecutors without a case, get them on lying. It may be years before anything comes of this, and Libby has an excellent chance of beating the rap. So how are they going to get Bush, Cheney, and/or Rumsfeld?? They're not. Not before Bush's term has expired, at any rate.
Impeachment?? Not while there is a Republican House, and no conviction if the Repukes can keep 34 seats in the Senate. A pretty safe bet.
Which brings me back to my point. We need to win elections. No more excuses about how the Repukes fight dirty, how they cheat and steal, and frighten minority voters away from the polls. No more whining about how the MSM isn't telling our side of the story. These are obstacles that must be overcome, somehow, if the Dems are ever again to regain the seats of power.
How do they do it? I don't know, but there are people paid big, big bucks to figure it out. Without some election wins, I mean wins that actually get someone sworn into office, not "more people meant to vote for X" wins, wins whose votes are counted and have more Ds than Rs wins, we are truly and totally screwed. No amount of wonderful power sharing ideas are gong to help us because without those wins they will never be enacted into law.