Kerry introduced her saying;
"A special person who is here with me, who in her own right makes an enormous difference in the life of our country. She is the steward of a very significant foundation in America. A passionate advocate of the environment, has helped children and schools to start up for those children, has created out of Pittsbourgh the greenest city in America,and is a leader on women's health, women's pension issues and other issues and I'm so happy she was able to travel with me this weekend. It doesn't always happen that our schedules work that way. But, would you join me in welcoming Teresa Heinz Kerry.
She also has written a few op-eds that have been in Boston or Pittsburg papers.
Here's a recent one
On Medicare: also wrote an editorial defending Murtha (which obliquely supported another veteran who she knows and loves.
She also was the keynote speaker for an evironmental symposium