Your e-mails: Will port vote change Bush's mind?
Thursday, March 9, 2006; Posted: 11:43 a.m. EST (16:43 GMT)
CNN) -- The House Appropriations Committee delivered a strong, bipartisan salvo to President Bush on Wednesday, voting 62-2 to bar Dubai Ports World from operating several key U.S. ports.
CNN's Jack Cafferty asked viewers of the "Situation Room" if they thought the vote would alter the stance of the Bush administration, which has supported the United Arab Emirates-based company thus far. Here is a selection of their responses, sent in by e-mail:
What better way for an extremely unpopular president to help incumbent Republicans running for re-election than to adamantly oppose each other over an issue as galvanizing as the Dubai Ports deal? Karl Rove at his best!
While everyone is scratching their collective heads trying to figure out what the president is thinking, the White House has figured out a way to bring the Republican Party together in an attempt preserve their majority in Congress.Thomas
This is all a political smoke screen. The Republicans have almost melted down, and now they need to rescue themselves. So they have simply went against "junior" to create the elusion that they all of a sudden care.
I ain't buying it.Tom Cantrell, Phyllis, Kentucky
Bush admit he made a wrong decision? Has hell frozen over and we didn't know it?Gary, Pittsford, New York