The Pentagon attack could only have been accomplished with the wargames being already known about (see the weblink showing in detail ) and any 'insiders' who could give such information to the Saudi/UAE hijackers
Ptech article showing their FAA and NAS computer access, along with other clients tied to intelligence. I understand that Ptech has now changed its name to GoAgile, for what it's worth.
Dollars of Terror ""Ptech’s clients in 2001 included the Department of Justice, the Department of Energy, Customs, Air Force, the White House, the FAA, IBM, Sysco, Aetna, and Motorola, to name just a few...
The FBI finally raided Ptech on December 6, 2002. However, no arrests were made and the company continues to operate, and according to Ptech’s CEO, Oussama Ziade, in May 2004, "Ptech still has government agencies as customers, including the White House."...Recently, Ptech changed both the name of the company and of its software to GoAgile.""
For the template to be discarded, the WhiteHouse would have to disown its current contractor GoAgile. They would have to admit that 9-11 happened on their watch, possibly with their own assistance. That assistance could have been either LIHOP or MIHOP or even just plain old negligence. The question of how 9-11 happened while wargames were ongoing and whether terrorist had foreknowledge of those wargames is begged. Coincidence ? Highly unlikely.
In any event, another 9-11 could happen with a port agreement and foreign insiders. Makes you wonder about this administration, though, doesn't it ?