Bush Admin Told to Postpone Plan Allowing More Foreign Control of Domestic Airlines
March 9th, 2006 @ 12:28 pm
The Bush administration seems to be hell bent on selling off control of all things transportation connected. Thanks to the outcry on the Dubai ports deal, the House Appropriations Committee passed a resolution on Wednesday “directing the Transportation Department to hold off for 120 days on its proposal to give foreign investors in U.S. airlines more latitude to influence management decisions.” The Bush administration seems to prefer to outsource as much as possible, while our economy sinks deeper into debt every day — the trade gap has swelled to a new record, oil prices are on the rise again, mortgages have hit a new high and jobless claims are on the rise as well. But, it’s all good in the minds of BushCo, let’s just keep selling off control of America, outsourcing our businesses and jobs and it’s national security related transportation industries to foreign interests.
The latest controversy is to a Transportation Department “proposed regulation that would give foreign airline investors more control over marketing, flight routes and what kinds of planes to fly.”