So .... this afternoon, His Assholeship signs the Patriot Act Redux. In his halting, bumbling, addled commentary at the ceremony, with all the fatfuckwhiteguys from Congress there with him, basking in the glow, he speaks of ....... crystal meth ..... and how the New And Improved Patriot Act will allow police to go after the labs and dealers with renewed vigor based on more power.
Tonight, on fatfuckwhitewoman Rita Cosby's sensationalism fest, live and direct from **The** bar in Manhattan, what's she talk about?
Crystal meth.
New ad campaign being run in Montana. Talking to the creative director for the ad. Other cluck-clucking white guys.
I know this isn't a big story, but it is so indicative of the cabal's hold on the media.
I want my country back.