I'll buy the first beer. Talkeetna is a TRIP (using that in the old hippie sense of the word)! Usually at Talkeetna on my overloaded Roadie with my spouse and HIS overloaded Roadie. Alaska appears to be a red state; to this day I find that hard to reconcile with everyone I know, and all the folks I meet every day like at Talkeetna. When your local Hells Angels are in charge of collecting Toys for Tots, and you're just as likely to see an FBI agent on the Yukon Quest trail as you are a hippie, well.........
I think it may be the same just about everywhere, and meshing cultures, religions, races and politics IS possible. The problem is, many of these people buy into the lie. It's easier, it doesn't have to be researched or thought out and, frankly, most of the US voting population is very lazy. I don't think many Alaskans are worried about "security", nor do I think they're scared of terrorism - not even with Shrub and his minions pushing terra, terra, terra. The ones who really buy into the Shrub mantra are usually newcomers who have been transferred here by the military or the oil companies - yes, they bring their Lower 48 crap with them, and have since the pipeline boom in the '70s. Some eventually realize that the crap being spewed by this misAdministration is just that, and wind up phasing out of the fundy neocon garbage. Many, however, knowing they'll only be here a short time, just don't give a shit. Ask the GI's stationed at Ft. Wainwright, and one out of three will tell you he/she registered to vote in Alaska just to have additional proof of residence to collect the PFD. They'll also tell you that their CO wants a HIGH percentage of voters in his/her unit, so they just go vote for whoever without knowing a single issue confronting the Borough, State or Nation. Sad. But the Big Oil employees are about the same.
How to change it? Beats me. But a whole bunch of Talkeetna's in every single state, with the same mix of demographics, would be a start. Wishful thinking, huh? Sorry for the rant! :hi:

- 2003