Yesterday, a group of courageous U.S. Representatives introduced the “Common Sense Budget Act, ” which would take $60 Billion in wasted Pentagon funding and spend it instead on schools, doctors, and stuff we care about.
This money could save 6 million kids who die of starvation each year in impoverished countries. It could rebuild our public schools and provide health insurance for our kids who don’t have it. It could do all this and a lot more, every year. And it’s exactly what tens of thousands of TrueMajority members have been asking for.
With a group of respected business and military leaders, we’ve planned a yearlong campaign to spread that common sense across the country. Can you donate today to make it happen? partner in this campaign, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, has already established field offices in Iowa and New Hampshire. Full-page newspaper ads have been prepared to pressure the House and Senate budget chairmen to pay attention. We’re making plans for delivering the 40,000+ petitions signed by TrueMajority members like you asking for a sensible, moral federal budget.
ADDED ON EDIT - But it will take $50,000 to keep the momentum going for the first half of this year, so contribute as much as you can. If you simply wish to join our ongoing petition signing efforts to curb wasteful defense spending visit this link. Participation in the program literally takes only a few minutes each month., you’ll be taking on a big job; the habit of giving away HALF of the federal discretionary budget to defense contractors developed over decades and won’t be broken overnight. But look at the resources we have on our side:
President Reagan's former Asst. Secretary of Defense,<3>
a whole list of retired admirals and generals (including the former commander of the U.S. Second Fleet),<4>
650 current and former CEOs and other business leaders,<5>
...and the majority of the American public.<6>
And don’t forget, some representatives are already so convinced this is the right thing to do that they were willing to stick their necks out in an election year.
"What better serves the cause of national security? Investment in first responders, energy independence and global nutrition ... or billions that we're still pouring into the F-22A Raptor, which was designed to outpace Soviet fighter jets?" — Common Sense Budget Act sponsor Lynn Woolsey (D-CA)
Thanks for taking on this important work,
Matt Holland
TrueMajorityACTION's Online Director