A Look at Foreign Kidnappings in Iraq
By The Associated Press
57 minutes ago
Insurgents in Iraq have kidnapped at least 250 foreigners and killed at least 40 of them:
_Thomas Nitzschke and Rene Braeunlich, German engineers. Kidnapped by gunmen Jan. 24 from an Iraqi government-owned detergent plant in Beiji, 155 miles north of Baghdad. Shown in a video made public Jan. 31; kidnappers demand that Germany close its embassy and stop cooperating with the Iraqi government.
_Moses Munyao and George Noballa, Kenyan engineers. Abducted by gunmen in Baghdad on Jan. 18 in an attack on a convoy of the mobile phone company Iraqna. Six security guards and three drivers are killed.
_Tom Fox, 54, of Clear Brook, Va., a worker for the peace group Christian Peacemaker Teams. His body was found March 10. The previously unknown Swords of Righteousness Brigades claimed responsibility for kidnapping Fox and three other workers from the group, who disappeared Nov. 26.
_U.S. Army Spc. Keith M. Maupin, 20, of Batavia, Ohio, and Timothy Bell of Mobile, Ala. Disappeared April 9, 2004 after an attack on a fuel convoy. Arab television reported June 29, 2004 that Maupin had been killed; he is listed as missing by the U.S. military.