If Bush came right out and told the truth to the American
that we are now and will be, for the next 20 years, at the
total mercy of a handful of money hungry 3rd world
countries... If he told the American people the truth, that
the days of jumping into their cars
(regardless of what type of car they drive), and tearing off
to visit
Aunt Minnie at the drop of a hat, instead of just mailing her
a video were at an immediate end... If he told them that, in
the next few years, they will have to down-size their 3
bedroom home to a 2 bedroom home (with the kids sharing a
room)....and that going into Iraq was a valient, but too late,
effort to prevent this....then yes, his approval ranking would
go up.....So why hasn't he? Because, to be totally honest, he
would have to tell the people the above would be a
Decorum would prevent any "Imperial" American
President from admitting such a thing....regardless of which
party they belong to. I, for one, have quit believing the
rhetoric of either party when it comes to oil.....Instead, I
do my best to constantly find ways to improve the energy
efficiency of my own home....and I buy 1964 Silver Kennedy
halves and that occasional S20.00 gold piece, as I can afford
to do so, while at the same time learning to do with a little