Just wanted to let everyone know, one member of the dark side has turned to the light. A friend of mine, who was republican all his life (mainly due to his parents i think) told my girlfriend and me last night that he is so ashamed he believed in republicans and their ideas for so long and realized he wasn't one. He is gay and it always bothered me that he was a republican and i would tell him that sometimes because these people were working against him and they were trying to take his natural rights that he should have away(marriage, adoption, etc.) and why he believed this. He told us last night that the reason he is switching is because of a sociology class he was taking here at Indiana University (we are all in our early 20's) and the class was studying propaganda and almost like having the veil lifted from his eyes, he saw what Bush and co. was doing and he became furious. He was ashamed that he let this get by him and realized the benefit of education and realized he was so stubborn and relied too much on what his parents thought. This was amazing, because i have never had this experience before, having someone have his eyes opened (that i know personally) because every republican i have battled with have been so thick headed it felt like a lost cause.
The only way people will change is through education and i am going to do what i can do help that. Posting information everywhere, getting the truth out is the best possible answer. Its funny cause i think some people will think that his professor was a evil dem/liberal that was promoting his agenda, and it wasn't. They were studying communist propaganda at the time and he realized how similar the tactics were to what Bush had been saying for so long about the "conflict" in Iraq. I really believe now people are waking up and beginning to see the truth that has been shadowed for so long. We work people to death in this country and no one has time or energy to pay attention, but i think that the shit has piled up so high people can't ignore it anymore.
I am just glad my friend woke up :)