(People around Bush don't ever show their true sides except in implementing Bush's policies after they get the job. Think about little Condi and strong, silent, trusted Dick Cheney, and Karen Hughes and the rest of the Bush Bots...then throw in Chertoff, Gonzales and Allen. They are vipers but they hide it during hearings...they hide it until their criminality is discovered but they've already done their damage to our country)
From Amy Goodman interview on DEMOCRACY NOW:
AMY GOODMAN: Doug Ireland, long-time political writer for The Nation magazine, for LA Weekly, for The Village Voice, and other publications. Elaine Cassel also with us, columnist with the website FindLaw. The democrats, going back to Michael Chertoff, are not voicing a lot of opposition or criticism.ELAINE CASSEL: I just wanted to say one thing. I know Claude Allen, because I know of his role in Virginia, and also that he has been an undersecretary or deputy secretary of Health and Human Services, I believe, and it is quite correct that he has an extreme far right position on health and on social policies, but like Gonzales, you see, which is I think something that Bush has been very adept at, he is a quiet, soft-spoken, congenial African-American who, if -- if you just saw him there and saw him socially or saw him in a committee hearing, none of that would be revealed to you. And so that personality that belies a mean-spiritedness and a cold-heartedness in dealing with issues related to health and social policy, I think he shares that, say, with Gonzales, who also has -- I mean, the members of the judiciary committee we're talking about, oh, he doesn't -- he doesn't seem like he will be an Ashcroft, I mean, he's so uncontentious. Well, that's quite -- yeah, uncontentious, probably because there's nothing to argue about in their view of things. And unfortunately, these men, Gonzales, Claude Allen, Chertoff they're going to get what they want. The Congress isn't going to stop them, and the courts, even though there have been some court rulings that have attempted to put some brakes on this administration, including rulings from the Supreme Court, this administration ignores or balks, it delays court orders. So, it almost doesn't even matter anymore if we even have a judicial slapdown of this administration.