Not long before the Arkansas event which you pulled your selected quote from. Al Gore made this comment:
"President-elect Bush inherits a nation whose citizens will be ready to assist him in the conduct of his large responsibilities.
I personally will be at his disposal, and I call on all Americans -- I particularly urge all who stood with us to unite behind our next president. This is America. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are high, we close ranks and come together when the contest is done."
The latter was from Gore's final concession speech, after the Supreme Court spoke. The problem with Cherry picking political quotes (Cheney picking is what I call it) is that they lose all context, and the loss of that context is almost always a deliberate act meant to cast the person being quoted in the worst possible political light. It is dishonest and a part of politics I would hope we would not use among and between Democrats. From the tone of the snippet from Clark that you used, one might think that he went on to deliver a rousing partisan speech, pointing out how only Republicans can save America and such crap, but in reality, although Clark was at a Republican event (and he later spoke at a Democratic event as you noted), what you quoted from was only a gracious introductory nod to the men and women of a new Administration taking office. Those same men and women had also been praised by Democrats in the Senate during their confirmation hearings just weeks before. Clark then went on to deliver a strong bipartisan based appeal for the type of U.S. foreign policy that the Clinton Administration had embraced.
Likewise with your second quote. I'll give you a second Gore quote. So what? I know what Gore meant at the time, I don't look askance at his sincerity:
Gore backs Bush in war against terrorism
September 29, 2001 Posted: 11:59 PM EDT (0359 GMT)
DES MOINES, Iowa (CNN) -- Saying the country is more united than ever, former Vice-President Al Gore Saturday pledged his allegiance to the man he conceded victory to last year in one of the closest presidential elections in American history.
"George W. Bush is my commander in chief," Gore said during the keynote speech at the Iowa Democratic Party's 2001 Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Gore, sporting the greying beard he grew while vacationing in Europe earlier this year, commended Bush on his leadership in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.
"We are united behind our president George W. Bush, behind our country, behind the effort to seek justice not revenge, to make sure this can never, ever happen again, and to make sure that we have the strongest unity in America that we have ever had," Gore said." you know why this is such a silly political game? Because we don't have to guess where Wes Clark stands vis a vis George Bush. We've seen Wes Clark take on this administration repeatedly now for three years, strong and hard. Maybe, just maybe, quotes out of context of the sort you just recycled for the 28th upteenth million time on Democratic Underground had some purpose back when Clark was initially entering the Presidential race in 2003, when less was known about Clark, when Clark didn't have a track record of campaigning for Democrats all across the nation, of fighting to elect John Kerry over Bush, of raising money tirelessly for Democrats all across America.
I look askance at the sincerity of those who are still posting this crap against Clark now while claiming to think well of him.