Edited on Sun Mar-12-06 07:24 PM by rpannier
We hear over-and-over from the Democratic 'leadership' that impeachment is not an option because we don't control congress. It seems to me that the biggest obstacle to impeachment (or atleast an honest investigation into what scrub is doing) has very little to with the fact that the pukes control congress and more to do with the scandals themselves. In the early 70's Nixon's activities took Republican Senators like Goldwater totally by surprise. The Republicans in congress were not involved in the illegal activities of the Nixon administration. Today, these scandals not only involve the White House, but they involve a large swath of Republicans in congress. For them to have any honest, meaningful investigation could be as damaging to them as it would be to the White House. I realize that if the Dems controlled one or both houses of Congress these scandals would be investigated. But, my point is, the real impediment to honest investigation is that these investigations would ultimately blow-back on many Congressional Republicans.