If you have an Audible Account, Think you can download the mp3 now,
from the Chicago Public Radio show "This American Life"
Or you can listen to this audio at a "live" stream now, from one of the radio station listed at this web page:
(Live streams are in
What is reveled is truly shocking and could make you sick if you have a weak stomach.
Habeas Schmabeas
The right of habeas corpus has been a part of this country's legal tradition longer than we've actually been a country. It means the government has to explain why it's holding a person in custody.
But now, the war on terror has nixed many of the rules we used to think of as fundamental. At Guantanamo Bay, our government initially claimed that the prisoners should not be covered by habeas – or even by the Geneva Conventions – because they're the most fearsome terrorist enemies we have.
But is that true? Is it a camp full of terrorists, or a camp full of our mistakes? Reporter Jack Hitt unveils everything we know about who these prisoners are. In interviews with two former detainees, he finds out the consequences of taking away habeas, for them and for us.
Broadcast the weekend of March 10-12 in most places, or here via RealAudio next week.
Here's the link for the "This American Life" site and archive: <
I think this is the link for when the Real Audio will be available, but the RA link doesn't work yet: <>
Another very interesting Real Audio story by Jack Hitt (that is available now) is at this link: <>
The Middle of Nowhere:
Act One.
No Island Is An Island.
Nauru is a tiny island, population 12,000, a third of the size of Manhattan, far from anywhere, yet at the center of several of the decade's biggest global events. Jack Hitt tells the untold story of this dot in the middle of the Pacific and its involvement in the bankrupting of the Russian economy, global terrorism, North Korean defectors, the end of the world, and the late 80's theatrical flop of a London musical based on the life of Leonardo da Vinci, called Leonardo, A Portrait of Love. (30 minutes)