After today's actions, I am further convinced that Feingold deserves to become the President. He has been out there fighting this fascist administration on everything from the U.S. Fascist Act to the Iraq "war".
The civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution are the most sacred rights that we hold as Americans. The Founders who wrote our Constitution and Bill of Rights exercised vigilance, even though they had recently fought and won the Revolutionary War. They did not live in comfortable and easy times of hypothetical enemies. They wrote a Constitution of limited powers and an explicit Bill of Rights to protect liberty in times of war, as well as in times of peace.
He is a strong supporter of campaign finance reform, something that is needed to restore our democracy.
I am delighted to be able to announce that after seven years of struggle, we have succeeded in passing campaign finance reform that is a major step to give the people back their voice in government. On March 27, 2002, President George W. Bush signed the McCain-Feingold-Shays-Meehan Campaign Finance Reform bill into law. On December 10, 2003 the Supreme Court ruled the key provisions of the law constitutional. After careful drafting and review by the three branches of federal government to protect free speech rights, McCain-Feingold is now the law of the land.
He is for abolishing the death penalty:
I oppose the death penalty in all cases. I am proud that the great state of Wisconsin was the first in the country to abolish the death penalty, when it did so in 1853.
In 1999, I introduced a bill to abolish the death penalty and called on all states to end the practice. It is time for America to leave the death penalty behind and take a hard look at its justice system, one that adds to a culture of violence and killing.
He is dedicated to a national health care system.
We need to take a fresh look at the health care system in America. Today there are 40 million Americans who lack health insurance. The reality for these 40 million Americans is that if they get sick, they might not be able to afford to see a doctor, sometimes until it is too late. Today in our country there are 18 million seniors who lack prescription drug coverage. And there are millions more for whom the high price of prescription drugs means having to stretch their budget to the breaking point.
The health care system in America is in disrepair and needs crucial reform. I am dedicated to expanding the availability of health care to all Americans. I feel strongly that an individual's health should not be compromised on account of income or geographic location. To make quality health care a fact of life for every American, I have consistently fought to reform Medicare and protect its solvency, pass a meaningful Patient's Bill of Rights, and maintain affordable prescription drugs for seniors.
Most importantly, he listens to his people.
Senator Feingold regularly holds what he refers to as "listening sessions" in all 72 Wisconsin counties to listen to his constituents' concerns, and has held more than 850 since he was elected to office.
don't need somebody who waffles on the Iraq-war.
don't need somebody who panders to the "right-wing" bastards.
After the age of Bush Inc, we need someone who is strong and dedicated. Hell, it will take them at least their whole term to undo some of these harmful policies and even then the damage will remain as a scar.
Feingold 2008.:patriot: