The more I hear from, and read about,
Russ Feingold (D-WI)...the more I like him.
The first category is the ardent "free" traders, many of them personally responsible for the trade policies that are destroying America's middle class. These are people like NAFTA architect Bill Richardson and longtime and loudly outspoken "free" trader Evan Bayh.
Then there are the people who have tried to have it both ways, but whose devotion to Tom Friedman-esque "free" trade orthodoxy is pretty clear. These are people like Hillary Clinton, who supported NAFTA, WTO and China PNTR, John Kerry, who did the same, and Mark Warner, who also supported NAFTA and WTO, though did not support the China deal.
The third category is candidates with mixed voting records on trade, but who have displayed a genuine interest in rejecting the free-trade-at-all-cost dogma. The only candidate in this category is John Edwards, who voted against some of the corporate-written trade deals that came down the pike during his Senate term, and who has made a class-based "Two America's" message his signature theme.
And the final category is candidates who have loudly opposed all of the sell-out trade deals, even when that opposition has been politically unpopular. Again, this is a one-candidate category right now, and that candidate is
Russ Feingold - a guy who has not only voted against selling out America, but has made the issue central to his public image by airing campaign ads about his courageous stands on the issue.