but with a whimper. If there is a giant ka-boom somewhere in the middle of the night, most of our society will continue as normal for several weeks, then it will be really hard to get gas.
Food prices at the stores will start creeping up after about a month.
At about a month into this, the U.S. Gov't will institute several drastic measures to control the situation. In several cities there will be mandatory rationing of goods, supplies and food and water. To little to late, actually.
The majority of the people will start defaulting on various payments and bills in about 2 months. Because, either their service sector job has laid them off or they have to use their money, that they would use for bills, for food.
The black market will be doing a bonanza business.
Several major corporations will layoff huge amounts of people to try and sure up there failing cash flow. Those that invested in Euro's will do a little better but not much.
At this point, electricity will be intermittent and heating/cooking gas will either be none existent or very hard and expensive to get.
People that have had to travel long distances to their jobs will either quit, be fired or take what little of mass transit that is available to them.
A mass migration will happen. People will begin trying to move closer to their jobs, thus creating a crowded mass.
However, unable to sell their 20 mile + commute mc-mansions, they will default on their mortgages and go bankrupt. Congress will step in and over turn the new bankruptcy law due to the overwhelming demand. The credit card industry will collapse. Many people in that industry will loose their jobs.
While all this is going on, people by and large will try and maintain a respect for law, but that will slowly degrade as things become harder and harder to get, find or buy. People will little to no coping skills will be at a giant loss. Crime in most inner cities will skyrocket.
At about 6 months, the water delivery system will be "boil safe" at best.
Water riots will occur.
A general order by the military will be issued. It's not marshall law but it's close to it.
While all this is going on over here, there will be an international effort to help stave off the total collapse of the economy. But because much of the worlds commerce is done on the U.S. dollar, they (our worldly neighbors) will be trying to save their own skins as well.
Now the rush on the banks will begin, but the gov't anticipated this and had them closed via a bank holiday. (read about the depression on that one)
The various nations that hold huge amounts of our money in the form of T-bills will start calling them in as our inflation grows wildly. As they dump them and demand payment, our dollar won't be worth a red cent.
Now we have a society that has effectively ground to a halt. What to do?
If you are one of the fat happy users of our society that really didn't contribute much other than paper pushing, watching fox, gorging yourself on crap, buying yourself all kinds of crap thus have enormous debt and has not foreseen this coming, well you are finished.
If you are one of the survivalist road warrior types, you would have hold up in your mountain, basement, fallout shelter retreat by now and are very low on supplies. That is of course if you were actually able to keep your weapons after the gov't imposed a mandatory turn in of all fire arms. And anyone caught carrying one would be shot on sight. (naaaa, never happen, keep telling yourself that)
After which, those of you that actually made preparations, meaning, had solar panels installed, (even a small array would be a big step), or had a wind turbine, or a thermal heating source, or perhaps you had only time for a water reclamation system, you are already ahead of the game. While your road warrior neighbor ventures out of their bomb shelter, all pasty white and probably with a mild case of scurvy, he or she are going to be hungry and out of food, you will have at least been able to barter your electricity, water or heat to the others who didn't go "underground" for food. Sure you may have lost a bit of weight, but you are healthy from riding your bike to where you need to go and strong from working in a community farm that was converted from an old golf course. You, along with your community, were working hard to maintain life and have organized a local action group to deal with emergencies.
People are crazy. Everyone sees the end coming, where society will collapse and everyone is totally fucked. I see it as a new beginning to get it right. Yes, millions of people will probably die in such a scenario, but nature has a way of telling us to cut the shit in very big ways. Nature has a short temper.
So while those of you, who wish to do the burly man thing and live off of deer jerky and clog up your colon, I and my neighbors will be pooping fine while we eat our veggies and caring for our grass fed cows and working towards a new civilization rather than giving up on it. :)
Granted, it's impossible for me to include all the varibles in this situation, but I think I got a small part of it right.
My two cents. :) Let the flaming begin!