Edited on Mon Mar-13-06 09:52 PM by joeprogressive
1. Let's assume there was bad intelligence and although the buck should stop with you, let's just say that you were duped about WMD's and that is why you went to Iraq.....
2. Then once you got to Iraq and found out there were no more WMD's (like all the weapons inspectors had been reporting for years), let's assume that at some point there were these weapons and somehow Saddam would bring them back if given the chance and he would somehow pose a threat in the future although there has never been any indication that he ever posed a threat to the US......
3. So because he never posed an imminent threat nor was there any evidence that he ever would, let's just say he was a bad, bad man that killed his own people. Even though these mass killings are in dispute but because we are in "benefit of the doubt mode" we will say they did happen. Even though it occurred in the late 80's and Reagan, your daddy, and Clinton did not see that it was necessary to go to war over and create an unstable country that has worse living conditions than were ever seen under Saddam's rule.......
4. So let's just say Saddam was linked to Al Qaeda even though no such evidence existed. In fact evidence to the contrary supports the idea that Saddam and Al Qaeda were enemies.......
5. Therefore we will move to the assumption that the war on terrorism is being fought in Iraq even though numerous studies demonstrate that the terrorism is in direct correlation to our military presence in the region. Further, studies conclusively indicate that most terrorists/insurgents fighting in Iraq have never had terrorist affiliation in the past, bolstering the argument that the war in Iraq is the catalyst for terrorist recruitment.......
6. Therefore we move to the final argument that now that we are there we must stay in order to support the Iraqi people until they can defend themselves and maintain their newfound democracy that has actually created new and worsening chaos among the numerous religious factions.
With those 6 different explanations for your justification to send our troops into harms way I now must ask you this Mr. Bush. You said we will stay until the job is done. When the country breaks out into all out civil war because of the mess you created (70% of your own party believes civil war is inevitable); how many more American lives are you willing to sacrifice just so you don't have to say you were wrong? 3,000?.....4,000?....10,000? What are the limitations of your hubris? How do you sleep at night? What will you say to your maker when he asks you why you did it? God may not give you the benefit of the doubt. Good luck.