I posted something on another forum (Liberals @about.com) and I got a response from a Freeper I just had to share, along with my rebuttal.
<<You're idealism is humorous. Howard Dean, your annointed savior, was destroyed by the Dem party and the liberal media BECAUSE he was energizing people like you. If you try another slave revolt, they'll plant you firmly back on the Dem plantation. You're a third class citizen in the Dem party... behind the flavor of the month (gays) and blacks. Falling behind fuzzy-thinkers like you is the former base of the Dem party--union and working class folks--now a distant 4th in importance to the Dem machine.>>
My reply?
Nothing more amusing than a RWer accusing others of "fuzzy thinking."
Project much?
On edit: "You're" is a contraction of YOU ARE, not a possessive version of the pronoun "You."
You freepers and your butchering of our language is just sad. <sigh> What are we ever going to do with you? Can't take you anywhere.