not the path i'm choosing ... your post is thoughtful ... but i'm just not going to give my vote away without having a voice ...
no need to convince me of the dangers we face with more republican tyranny ... but i don't accept the idea that we have to win FIRST and then we can try to make progress ... the people you'll elect with this approach will completely ignore you just as they are now ... you will have no voice, no vote, no power ...
if Democrats want my vote, they're going to have to earn it ... does this mean i'm a rigid, inflexible purist? that's nonsense ... i'm more than willing to sit down and exchange ideas with elite Democrats ... i'm willing to listen; i'm willing to compromise; i am not willing to be taken for granted ... and that's just what has been happening ...
the Party wants my money; they want my work; they don't want my opinions ...
what needs to change is not a shift to the right or a shift to the left ... what needs to change isn't an exact position on any given issue ... what needs to change is the process of communication in the Party ...
if the Party wants to win, i suggest they make a greater effort listening to those who feel alienated from what the Party's been doing ... this includes the left and it also, very importantly, includes those who have stopped voting completely ... it's time to stop criticizing these potential voting blocks and start making an effort to be more inclusive ...
when we represent more voters, we get more votes ...