Just going to copy here the email I received this morning...food for thought..
Hi Dems
The Franklin County Democratic Committee has passed a resolution calling
on our State legislature to pass a Joint Resolution bringing charges
against George W Bush, in accordance with the process outlined in
Jefferson's Manual (a book of Rules in the US House). The exciting thing
about this process is that it provides a way for a State Legislature to
bring about an impeachment process in the US House. The "normal"
impeachment process would have no way to get off the ground because the
Republicans rule the House. But, using this method, any single US
Representative can bring up charges received from a State Legislature
directly on the House floor.
Our resolution was lifted in total from the resolution written by Jeff
Taylor and adopted by the Rutland County committee on February 28.
Orleans County has passed the resolution, and three more counties voted
last night. The other counties will address the issue within the next
couple of weeks.
This came about through the last State Committee meeting. Jeff Taylor
presented the Rutland Resolution. The State Committee has taken no
position on it. We were asked to bring it back to each county. Once the
counties have addressed it, there will be a special meeting of the State
Committee to address the issue. If it is adopted by the State Committee,
we will be asking our legislators to pass a Joint Resolution bringing
charges against George Bush. Note that Resolutions are not subject to the
Governor's approval. If it passes our Legislature, it goes to a Member of
the US House. My understanding is that John Conyers and Barbara Boxer
would like to do this.
I don't think anyone expects it to get out of the US House, but that just
goes to reinforce the fact of the majority's corruption and lawlessness.
There are several other states working on this. The sense is the more the
The relevant parts of to Jefferson Manual are here:
http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=104_cong_house_rules_manual&docid=hrmanual-59.pdf> &docid=hrmanual-59.pdf.
Additional information on this process is at:
http://www.impeachbush.tv/impeach/bystate.html.The original Daily Kos blog listing for the Rutland Resolution is at