There are many who say they dread the idea of trying to IMPEACH bush because they "saw what happened when the republi-CONS impeached Clinton and how that backfired..." and how it'll turn people against Democrats and blah-blah-blah.
The dynamics in play here couldn't be MORE different.
The reason impeachment of Clinton backfired on the GOP (and why they were thus unable to see it through all the way to conviction in the Senate and removal from office) was because the vast majority of the American people saw it for what it was: BULLSHIT. Most Americans saw it as a petty vendetta over lying about sex. "...but, but, but, he was UNDER OATH!!!!!!!!!!!" BALONEY. It was STILL lying under oath ABOUT SEX. NOT about national security. NOT about spying. NOT about phonying up wars that weren't needed and getting a lot of people killed unnecessarily. NOT about how you didn't know about Hurricane Katrina. NOT about our fabulous red-white-and-blue TORTURE POLICY. NOT about outing a CIA NOC. NOT about lying about WMDS that were never there. NOT about ANY of these truly critical issues. It was lying ABOUT SEX. And most Americans correctly perceived this the way even the frist-types now realize most Americans perceived the whole Terri Schiavo fiasco - as a PERSONAL MATTER into which big government has NO BUSINESS intruding. Clinton's was a PERSONAL MATTER between a husband and a wife. The VAST MAJORITY of Americans recognized that. That's why impeaching Clinton backfired.
There are two additional reasons. Well, one-within-another, really.
At this stage in his presidency, in a second term, with a whole lot of water under the bridge about other stuff, Clinton's poll numbers were enviably high - in the mid-60's. Their own precious darling Reagan was around that same number in job approval, too, which is why nothing in Iran/Contra ever touched him, either, even though it should have. Clinton was widely perceived as pretty damned okay, otherwise. Maybe couldn't keep his zipper shut, but otherwise he was a pretty damned good president. Maybe he had some character flaws. Flaws that were so clearly and glaringly shared by his enemies that two of them, newt gingivitis AND robert livingstone, BOTH were carried out of VERY TOP SPOT in the House of Reps - the speakership - because they, too, had cheated on their wives. And in both their cases, their cheating was FAR more heinous and egregious than Clinton's EVER was. In fact, some of the biggest, baddest inquisitors of Clinton (are you listening, henry hyde?????) had cheated on their wives to the tune of actually LEAVING their wives for other women (and in some cases, eventually leaving that other woman, too, for somebody else), fathering children out of wedlock WHILE STILL MARRIED TO SAID WIFE (anybody home, dan burton?), and destroying other marriages BESIDES JUST THEIR OWN. Residual offenses that Clinton NEVER committed. Their congressional job approval numbers were no match for Clinton's, either, as I recall.
Furthermore (and this sort of dovetails with the above paragraph), it was WIDELY perceived and acknowledged that Clinton was actually doing a pretty good job as president. We were at peace. We enjoyed prosperity. There were millions of new jobs and new businesses created. Our nation was respected in the world and stood tall in the community of nations. Our word was our bond, and it was actually worth something. We didn't run around crying wolf and picking fights. We had a president who actually showed up for work, started early, stayed late, actually read all the material (probably wrote some of it himself) and had a masterful understanding of it, and could talk in great detail about WHATEVER issue it was, extemporaneously, working without a net, without spinners, without handlers, without cue cards, without translators, without nannies, without apologists or excuse-makers. He didn't take a lot of vacations on his fancy-ass ranch. He didn't bail out for a whole frickin' MONTH, EVERY DAMNED YEAR. He could go ANYWHERE in the world and be treated like a bloomin' rock star. Clinton would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS have had to hide himself as his plane arrived at some foreign airport, and land late at night with all the AF1 landing lights TURNED OFF, and the airport dark. Clinton never had to be hidden behind heavy security everywhere he went, whether it was anywhere in this country or overseas. He was NEVER captive to airport tarmacs and military bases. He could walk out into crowds and shake hands and everybody loved him. He never met a heckler he didn't welcome, and engage. Nobody ever had to sign any loyalty oaths in order to see him speak somewhere, and there were no such things as "First Amendment Zones" where dissidents were gulaged so they wouldn't offend his delicate sensibilities. Clinton got things done, mostly for the good of most Americans, rather than always looking out for an elite few cronies and big-business types and wheeler-dealers. And like any good camper, he left the place better than he found it - after inheriting a near-disaster from - hey, guess what? Another bush.
America saw this. America saw him actually working, and getting things done, and getting along with everybody. America generally approved, and wondered what the hell the problem was. Some, in America, also saw him as a guy who really was kinda like them - a kid from a poor background with no bigshot friends and family members in high places who could pull strings for him and pull his ass out of a sling again and again. He booted himself up from nothing, got himself to Yale and Oxford and the governorship in his state for several terms on the strength of his own work, brains, personality, and accomplishments. He didn't have any fancy-ass Ivy League dad to pay for the constant cleanup after him. Hell, Clinton didn't even HAVE a father, PERIOD. I think more than a few Americans recognized that and respected him for it. Which you can NOT say about little lord bushie boy.
By contrast, the picture of bush is not flattering. He DID have such a father and such a silver spoon in his mouth and all those friends in high places who could pull strings for him and game the system for him and show him how to game the system, too. He got where he was by pulling strings, gaming the system, and cheating, whereas Clinton got where he was by sheer brains, personality, and hard work. I don't care WHO you are in the republi-CON party, you just CANNOT say that about dubya. And I think people have begun to notice this. They could overlook or ignore or maybe not even hear much about bush's horrid track record as a CEO, and the three Texas oil companies IN A ROW that he drove into a ditch. But it is now IMPOSSIBLE to avoid the colossal incompetence that's hanging out there so glaringly for all to see. Think Katrina, for one thing. Think the war. Think the WMDs. Think Harriet Miers. Think the Dubai ports deal. Think Social Security. Think Osama. It's been one botch-job after another. WE who knew about bush's background were aware of this - one of many reasons why we never supported him. But some people are just coming around to all of this now, because there are too many fuck-ups, and they're too big, and they're WAY too painful in terms of people actually hurting, and worse - being killed, and at this point there's just too much that's gone too wrong to be able to spin. As some posts here have affirmed: They are OUT. OF. AMMO. It's just too glaring. So glaring that the papers and the on-camera pundits and even formerly fawning reporters have no choice but to point this stuff out. It's reached the point where this is just unavoidable anymore.
Critical mass HAS INDEED been reached. My mother the bush-supporter, after Katrina, said something very telling: "he REALLY let everybody down." Yep. I wasn't a bit surprised, but she was. And when THAT happens, when trust has been breached, it's VERY hard to get back the people you burned. They don't forget this stuff. You leave a bad taste in their mouths that doesn't go away. That poll just yesterday (I think it was the NBC/WSJ one) that talked about some 58 percent of respondents saying bush is so far down and has fucked up so much that he's not going to recover, that we've "seen the best he has to offer" proves this out. Once betrayed, they're not gonna take your calls anymore. And they start looking at you with a jaundiced eye. And they start seeing you a whole lot differently with that jaundiced eye than they used to, when they were far more inclined to keep on giving you the benefit of the doubt. You've ruined that, too. And george, you HAVE. He keeps saying "just trust me!" Most Americans are now saying "been there, done that. Doesn't work. Thanks but no thanks." You'll have to search high and low to find people who think he's still even slightly competent. Clinton did NOT leave people with that impression. Clinton on the other hand was quite the King of Competence. And Clinton's high job-approval numbers even at this stage in his presidency, and under the persecution of impeachment for Monicagate, were because he was correctly perceived as being good at what he did, at serving the people, at giving the American taxpayer at the very least a good, long, solid day's work for the money. That CANNOT be said about bush, who's become the poster boy for incompetence. When he even shows up at the office, that is. Nobody EVER had to shake Clinton awake or make him DVDs of newscasts of historic disasters. There wasn't any Brownie on HIS payroll doing any "heckuva job." And more people are acutely aware of this contrast than ever before.
THAT is why we need not worry about whether IMPEACHMENT of bush will backfire on us Dems. I wouldn't even waste a second worrying about that. The conditions and dynamics are Just. Not. The. Same. People saw no legitimate reason to drag Clinton through something as extreme as impeachment. In bush's case (and as this is written on a Thursday), you'll still be counting the reasons for doing so, probably well into the weekend.