Although many may argue that Senator Feingold's timing may not have been the best, few can argue with the rationale behind his "censure" proposal. Something needs to be done. And we know, we cannot wait on the majority Republicans to do anything to bring this renegade White House back into legal order. In fact, they are busy trying to pass laws retroactively to make his criminal acts OK...
Personally, I think Senator Feingold's timing was perfect. If the censure motion does not carry, and it does not appear that it will, it will have served a very useful purpose for our Party if we win the House or Senate in November. If we win the House, impeachment proceeding can be legitimately put forth because the issue has already been brought up previously, albeit as a censure, by Senator Feingold.
If we only win the Senate, a censure would still be in order. But, we would need to have a majority in either the House or Senate in order to proceed. So this is laying the groundwork to bring this criminal president to justice or at least bring him in line and stop his illegal maneuverings around our Constitution.