Stewart Simonson, the Bush administration’s “
point man for just about every health emergency that may hit our shores, ranging from anthrax attacks to an avian flu pandemic,” has
Simonson, assistant secretary for public health emergency preparedness, had been widely criticized for having
no background in medicine, public health, or bioterrorism preparedness.
Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), chairman of the House Government Reform Committee.
said it would be better to have a
medical expert serve in his position, rather than a
It's hard to argue with Davis' logic, given how much the Bush Administration has
talked about a potential avian flu pandemic. To Bush's credit, there's no "Stewie, you're doing a heck of a job," video clip out there.
Simonson joined the Department of Health and Human Services in August 2001 and served as general counsel before becoming assistant secretary. Prior to that, he was legal counsel for then Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson, President Bush's first HHS Secretary. Under Thompson, Simonson
specialized in “crime and prison policy.”
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