Nixon elected on a promise to end the war. The political system was still working, in that respect. There is no way LBJ could have won a second term with most people by that time (1968) against the war. Nixon broke that promise, of course, and started bombing Cambodia as well. The war finally came to an end BECAUSE THE VIETNAMESE WON IT. It was a genuine war for self-determination--after centuries of colonial rule. (The Vietnamese were not about to concede to US-rule after they had just ousted the French--and had been fighting off China for 5,000 years.) They won it in straw hats and sandals, and hiding in and fighting from tunnels, all over Vietnam, and with minimal weaponry. They won it without an air force. They won it because it was their country, and they loved it, and they were determined never, ever to give it over to a foreign power again.
Upwards of 2 million people had been slaughtered in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, including over 55,000 US troops.
God, it was horrible!
There are two very big differences between the 1960s and now:
1. Primary in my opinion--we didn't have electronic voting machines, controlled by rightwing corporations, using "trade secret" proprietary programming code, with virtually no audit/recount controls--a fraudulent election SYSTEM that was put into place in the 2001-2004 period, by the biggest crooks in Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney (with the $4 billion "Help America Vote Act" boondoggle). Our election system has become non-transparent, and our elections are now more thoroughly rigged than ever before--with a 5% to 10% "thumb on the scales" favoring Bushites and warmongers (my estimate).
2. We had more honest news reporting in the 1960s. The carnage of Vietnam was on the TV news every night, and news organizations competed with each other to bring us REAL news. Today, we have five CEO's controlling all news and opinion, and all imagery, in the country. These war profiteering corporate news monopolies and Bush lapdog journalists have become a mere arm of the government--a government propaganda machine. Although they have NOT convinced the American people of ANYTHING--their own opinion polls demonstrate this overwhelmingly--they HAVE managed to demoralize and disempower the great progressive, antiwar majority, by promoting the ILLUSION that the country had gone rightwing. It is simply not true, but people believe it, and give up fighting it--or looking for practical mechanisms of people power, like transparent elections. Perhaps the worst journalistic crime of these corporate news monopolies occurred on election night 2004, when they FALSIFIED their own exit polls (Kerry won) to "FIT" the results of Diebold's and ES&S's "trade secret" vote tabulation software (Bush won), thus depriving the American people of major evidence of election fraud. That could not have happened in the 1960s. SOMEBODY would have blown it open. We are living under an "Iron Curtain" of highly controlled news--and not enough people have yet TURNED OFF these fascist news monopoly sources and sought out alternative news (where they might learn about the voting machines, for instance).
The Democratic Party was still a viable and representative political party in the 1960s. Many of its leaders are now bought and paid for, and hogtied to the military-industrial complex and to global corporate predation.
However--interestingly--ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE mostly Democratic members of Congress voted AGAINST Bush's war in 2002, as opposed to ONE VOTE against LBJ's war on Vietnam, back then (1964--prior to the big antiwar movement).
The Democratic Party had, until recently, LEARNED THE LESSONS OF VIETNAM. And that is one of the reasons that the fascists took control of the election system in 2001. Democracy was working--at least on matters of unjust war and misuse of the military.
The 1960s was a era of great hope--and also of great horror. We lost three great progressive leaders to assassination in the space of five years, and I am convinced now that they were all killed over matters of war. JFK (assassinated in 1963) had refused to invade Cuba, had de-fused a nuclear war with Russia over Cuba, and, just before he died, signed an executive order withdrawing US military "advisers" from Vietnam. MLK (assassinated in 1968) had recently come out against the Vietnam War, against the advice of many compromising type liberals. RFK (assassinated a few months later) was heading an antiwar campaign for president, and had just won the California primary.
Bang, bang, shoot, shoot.
All three died for world peace--I firmly believe that now--with assassins hired or programmed by the war profiteers. The result was to deny the American people proper representation and leadership. The same fascist forces are doing the same thing now--with an election system now veiled in secrecy.
Having lived through all of this in the 1960s--I was an antiwar protester, and a civil rights worker in Alabama (1965)--my advice is this: GET RID OF THE ELECTION THEFT MACHINES NOW!
The American people are a good and just people on the whole, who want peace and fairness in the world. They tried to vote these criminals out in 2004, but were foiled by the new Bushite-controlled voting machines (combined with the vote suppression in Ohio and other places--that's how big Kerry's win was; he won by a 5% or so margin, even without being strongly antiwar--it was an anti-Bush vote; the electronic rigging wasn't enough to reverse Kerry's win, they had to actively and blatantly stop black and poor voters from voting). Again, the corporate news monopolies FAILED to inform people about this newly rigged electronic voting scam, and were complicit in it.
We can't do anything about the war...
We can't do anything to stop torture and spying and blatant law-breaking...
We can't do anything about the war profiteering corporate news monopoly of our public airwaves...
We can't do anything to curtail corporate predators...
We can't do anything to stop massive looting by the rich...
...without the right to vote. Our right to vote is our mechanism for excercising our sovereignty as a people. In effect, they have stolen our sovereignty. WE are the rulers in this land--in theory. WE are the sovereigns. Not the rich. Not the powerful. We, the people. But without transparent elections, we have no way to rule ourselves, no way to "throw the bums out" when we need to, no way to hold our leaders to account.
Some resources: (MythBreakers - easy primer on electronic voting--one of the myths is that HAVA requires electronic voting; it does not.) (great activist site) (monitoring of '06 and '08 elections) (fab compendium of all election info) (devoted to election reform) (also great, and devoted to election reform) (analysis of the 2004 election)
Sign the petition (Russ Holt, HR 550, great bill-has 169 sponsors). (Calif Senator running for Sec of State to reform election system) (well-organized local group of citizen activists in Pennsylvania, where important legal issues are at stake, including state's rights over election systems)
Also of interest:
Bob Koehler (-- four recent election reform initiatives in Ohio, predicted to win by 60/40 votes, flipped over, on election day, into 60/40 LOSSES!--the biggest flipover we've seen yet; the election theft machines and their masters are now dictating election policy!)
Amaryllis (Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia lavish lobbying of election officials - Beverly Hilton, Aug. '05)
Throw Diebold, ES&S and all election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW!
:think: :patriot: :woohoo: :patriot: :think: